Same attempt for a cyan-enhanced image and a bit of a different composition than the previous one. Here I find the diffuse light at the left good but still I don't know hiw/why it came. Any comments would be very welcome.
Yeap, and this is also exactly what I described to you on my last message, Luis. It is not the lights themselves but it is that they are so diffuse, and not only really near the border.
You saw the highlights on the borders of Adams' images, so there can be absolut no discussion about that. Highlights on borders are not the problem, and any further discussion is waist of time. Case closed. (I don't theorize for negating things that can be readily observed.)
But such diffuse highlights like for example on this image here, are indeed a problem, in case they are not really contributing to any intention for making something visible in some particular way. And so my problem is not the highlights but why they are so diffuse, so "smokey" if you like. Much like a fog of light, isn't it? I hope it is not my magazine that is leaking. friend...when I comment some of your photos I know who is who... Before i must say that my english is not the best, then sometimes is difficult to explain some technical concept.- About the comment of Adams, I understand your ideas, what I mean was those WHITES (like hard lights...) disturb the image.- In my opinion and Adams ideas were about white zones near the borders...I'm talking the hard ligths in the LEFT corner...really hard, maybe in the photo you can see more details.- I'm not a teacher of Adams, I've only thirty five years in the photo art practice... Indeed is a pleasure talk with you.- As you know in USF is easy write "NICE WORDS..." (jejejeje) or superficial comments.- A great hug.- LUIS
So, if we are to talk about classic images and about Adams we should at least have made a careful conscious study of his work and his thoughts, ey?
It is not highlights near the borders that disturb here. It is *diffuse* highlighting, it is the pointless enhancement of diffuse light near the borders of the image, not the highlights themselves that distract here. There is indeed something distracting but it is definitely not your 1-2-3-analysis.
The reason for that... I have the impression that one of my magazines is leaking but I am not sure about that. I'll have to check that by some more shots. Still, your analysis is none.
Dear Nick...the time goes...and I was absent, but I'm.- The photo is good in the composition: CLASSIC.- But there are some questions -in my personal opinion- that are not in tha technical traditioon.- Ansell Adams, one of the biggest photographers of the history ( the technic questions...) teach us that the WHITE...or the LIGTH=WHITE in some zones of the image are dangerous...In te corners or in the borders.- THEY DISTRACT, and that is the problem of the hard light in the lefct corner down...hard white light in the borders.- Course that was the image and that was the ligth..maybe other crop...WEl as you see I can speak about your photo with a such of commments.- Although there is a virtue !!! Hasselblad and analogic friend..regards.- LUIS