Nick Lagos
{K:2203} 10/15/2009
Email me Shane.. nixpix1@gmail.com
Shane McIntosh
{K:365} 10/15/2009
Yes she is a workhore, though she has been on tripod and not used for 7 months, no one in this town has roll film in stock have to out source from other locations and I am not to keen on the stuff from hong kong via flea bay.
Shane McIntosh
{K:365} 10/15/2009
It would be great, all though I would be somewhat hesitant taking equipment like that outdoors. Yes I would be interested in shoot. Looking through your shots, wow you have talent, I might learn something new.
j esford
{K:13518} 10/15/2009
A real workhorse I must say!
Nick Lagos
{K:2203} 10/15/2009
Yeah.....but wouldn't it be great... interested in a shoot sometime Shane...???
Shane McIntosh
{K:365} 10/14/2009
Yes Nick still in Toowoomba. Mamiya AFD and Digiback Lots of dollars involved there.
Nick Lagos
{K:2203} 10/13/2009
I would dearly love something like this...but in Digital.... you still in Toowoomba...???
Shane McIntosh
{K:365} 10/13/2009
Yes, has never failed me
Nick Lagos
{K:2203} 10/13/2009
Does it still go..????
Shane McIntosh
{K:365} 10/11/2009
Thankyou wolf, I love this camera. Cheers Shane
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 10/11/2009
ph yes, take care of this old diamond !