years ago I played in a men's softball league. I held me own... ok, I was above the average... yet, there was one fella... and I wrote, way back then... "I would give a year of my life to be in his body, to see and feel and play with talent I can only dream about." To this day guys talk to me and congrat me and pat me on the back because of my baseball skills... yet, there was that one guy, there was that one person who stepped up a bit and made me, a life-long baseball lover/player and one who is talked about in this area... still, there was one person who took off from the norm and made me look at the sport from a bit of angle. To this moment... I would give one year of my life to touch and experience one day of his talent and skills. Many, many, many others look to me... I look to him. Just one day... to throw and run and hit with that talent God sent down. I digress a bit. "GO CUBS!!!!" I will take a gander at those who you share photos with. Dan Lightner and Tim Schumm and I have crossed paths years ago. I am sure they will not remember my work but I do remember them... I have some crazy memory/brain thingy going....
Hey Jim, well I might as well be from AZ as I've spent more than 1/2 of my adult life in that state taking photographs. As for MY favs...check out: Andrew polushkin (rarely posts anymore) Ben Goossens, Dan Lightner, Dave Arnold, John Bonner (my bud!) Keneth Kwan & Patrick DiFruscia (the best here) and Tim Schumm...oh how I would love to be him for just one year! All are "E"xceptional photographers that I've followed for years on this site. Hope your having a slightly warmer week. Take Care! ooh and pole vaulting???? mmmm??? long pointy stick (not sure about that choice either) LOL
Thanks, LJH! No, not archery... maybe pole vaulting..... wow........Thanks for tossing me on your friend's list. I have almost 2000 pics posted here and was a paying member for years. In 2009 I found I didn't have the time to do 3 posts a day even though I have the material. So, when it came time to renew... I passed. I cannot add new friends now... but that does not mean I would not add you. Thanks again for popping in.... and I am glad you found such amusement in me maiming me-seff. I will also add this, Look on many of my pics. The names of Roger Skinner, Ian McIntosh, Saad, Wolf and many others... you canna go wrong looking at their work. They are scattered all over the world and do better photography than I. I have a very short following... but each and every one is a dang solid photographer. LA???? Now why did I get the impression you were from AZ?????
Hey Jim...another beauty. Your stories about your ride and the sword were hilarious! Guess you won't be taking up archery any time soon huh! LOL Be careful farmboy! Your friend in L.A.