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On the Rocks
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Image Title:  On the Rocks
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 By: Judson Borges  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Judson Borges  Judson Borges {Karma:6727}
Project #28 Springtime Camera Model Canon EOS Rebel XS (1000D)
Categories Nature
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Nature and Animals
Lens Canon EF-S 55-250 IS
Uploaded 7/30/2009 Film / Memory Type SDHC 8Gb
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 927 Shutter 1/1000
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 44 Rating
/ 15 Ratings
Location City -  Martins
Country - Brazil   Brazil
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There are 44 Comments in 1 Pages
Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 1/21/2010
Thank you Erland.
Always welcome, Judson.


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 1/21/2010
Very good macro picture


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 1/12/2010
Muito obrigado João.
Um abraço, Judson.


joão  chaves   {K:4140} 1/12/2010


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 10/14/2009
Thank you John.
Be always welcome,


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 10/14/2009
WOW!!! Now we are talking about unique butterflies! BRAVO! Excellent, what amazing colors!!!!!!!!!


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 9/24/2009
Thanks again dear.
Be well, Judson.


Nanda Baba das Nanda Baba das   {K:78053} 9/24/2009
Beautiful macro. Best wishes


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 9/7/2009
Yes, I really like them, but I'm just learning how to photograph this beauties.
Thanks for visiting and comments, Judson.


Photowala  Photowala     {K:486} 9/7/2009
lovely composition, u too seems to be a butterfly fan like me.. :)



Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 9/7/2009
Maybe this is just for you!
I'm not so good with butterflies and flowers, but I did what I could do.
Thanks for your nice words.
Be well, Judson.


Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 9/5/2009
What a wonderful butterfly.Nice colors and a lovely pose...I guess it was only for you:)
Ver ynicely taken!!!
Best to you,Nicki


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 9/2/2009
Thanks for visiting and comments Jacques.
Be well, Judson.


jacques brisebois   {K:73883} 8/31/2009
real nice colors and details.


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/24/2009
Thanks for your support my friend.
All the best, Judson.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/24/2009
Sure, you´ll do, Judson. And I would be only glad to get one as good as you did here. I never manage that, really. Each time I try some butterfly (or any other insect) they fly away before I can even reach my shutter button. Dave said to me that one should pre-focus and just wait, but I wait and wait and nothing happens. And then, when I am completely unprepared, here it lands in front of my eyes. I guess it will remain unreachable for me to get such a good one of some inscet.




Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/23/2009
Yes, I only got this shot, but maybe next time I can do it better.
Cheers, Judson.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/23/2009
I suppose it decided to fly away after the first shot, Judson? Very seldomly one has the luck of some insect or animal willing ot cooperate. ;-)

Thanks for the reply.



Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/23/2009
Obrigado por comentar Helio.
Abraço, Judson.


Helio Salmon Helio Salmon   {K:1050} 8/23/2009
Lindo click, belas cores.


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/22/2009
Yes, I noticed about right top wing, but it was only one shot and the specimen was so beautiful that I must have shared.
Thanks for your comments always, Judson.


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/22/2009
Muito obrigado Marcio. O tempo anda curto né? Pra mim cada vez mais.
Abraço, Judson.


Marcio Janousek Marcio Janousek   {K:32538} 8/22/2009
Otima luz difusa e calorosa...maravilhosa foto e espécie; abraço!!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/21/2009
Now, what a great luck it was to have the butterfly sit on exactly the right background that enhanced its coloring and textures so well, Judson! Just the kind of contrast that makes the main subject stand out. The vivid (and also unusual) colors on the insect are an eye magnet. And I say "unusual because that turquoise is really not so often to see on the wings of them.

The details are very nicely captured, except of the top of the right wing. The latter is indeed what I would wish to see to, but the rest of the exactly depicted insect balances up the view again. I would also wish a stgronger close up, but when a butterfly does you the favor to land exactly on such a background, then you just shoot.

How noce you did, Judson!



Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/20/2009
Thanks for your kind comments Ken.
All the best, Judson.


Ken  Phenicie Jr.   {K:6273} 8/20/2009
Beautiful capture, I like the contrast of the soft/colorful and delicate Butterfly against the drab powerful rocks. Nicely done.


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/9/2009
Muito obrigado por comentar Marcus.
Não é muito o meu estilo fotografar borboletas, mas aqui no UseFilm acabamos recebendo influência de outros amigos e realmente essa em questão era muito bonita.
Um abraço, Judson.


Marcus Vianna Marcus Vianna   {K:4552} 8/9/2009
Coisa de louco heim meu irmão!
Bela pegada amigo!


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/4/2009
Vi ringrazio, cari Teresa.
Tutti i migliori, Judson.


Teresa Ferraris Teresa Ferraris   {K:16126} 8/4/2009
Molto fine bella e elegante.


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 8/4/2009
Thank you Ray, as always :)
Best wishes, Judson.


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 8/1/2009
A beautiful butterfly composition with gorgeous tones and excellent details my dear friend. Well done to you Judson. My very best wishes to you as always......Ray


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 7/31/2009
Thanks for your encouraging words always Armando.
Un abbraccio, Judson.


Armando Giambolini Armando Giambolini   {K:17779} 7/31/2009
On the rocks...
I like these stones and the butterly , a jewel that you captured in a professional way.

Colors , POV and mainly the DOF are great !

BRAVO Judson !





Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 7/31/2009
Many thanks Ania!
It was my first butterfly, I usually get landscapes and people.
All the best, Judson.


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 7/31/2009
Lovely shot, Judson! Such beautiful colors and the pattern n wings!

Best wishes,


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 7/31/2009
Hello Riny! It was my first butterfly capture, then I have much to learn.
Thanks for the tips and a hug, Judson.


Riny Koopman Riny Koopman   {K:102911} 7/31/2009
Hi Judson,. I wonder what happened to its right wing? thry nex time Focus bracketing is useful in situations with limited depth of field, such as macro photography, where one may want to make a series of exposures with different positions of the focal plane and then choose the one in which the largest portion of the subject is in focus,I'm in love with this Butterfly.. regards,riny


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 7/31/2009
Thanks for your kind words my friend.
All the best, Judson.


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 7/31/2009
Thank you dear friend.
Cheers, Judson.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 7/31/2009
Lovely play with the dof, fine colors and details Judson !!!
Best wishes :)


Shyamal Biswas Shyamal Biswas   {K:5136} 7/31/2009
nice sharp shot with beautiful colour and good use DOF!!!!
my best wishes to you,shyamal


Judson Borges Judson Borges   {K:6727} 7/30/2009
Thank you Mitra!
Regards, Judson.


Mitra Nademi-Nassari Mitra Nademi-Nassari   {K:28234} 7/30/2009
So beautiful!




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