José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 6/8/2003
Steve Chong
{K:814} 6/8/2003
Another suggestion Andrea, do avoid such harsh lighting where possible. Overcast day is more suitable for flower macro, where the lights is soft and diffuse.
Andrea Spinelli
{K:69} 6/8/2003
Thanks very much Diana. ;-) ciao
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 6/8/2003
Hello Andrea, What a lovely picture of the waterlily. Only one tip for a better compsition: don't put the flower in the middle of the picture, you better crop it so the picture is more interesting to watch at. I hope you don't mind I used it to show you what I mean. It is just a suggestion and it will help you to get better compositions! I hope I didn't offend you.
Luis Costa - Lucaz
{K:9205} 6/8/2003
Very nice work, regards!
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 6/8/2003
Well done and beautiful! Regards, ALexey
jean E marre
{K:1577} 6/8/2003
i have one too... ;-)
Armando Jorge
{K:7937} 6/8/2003
Good picture !!