rakan bn abdullah
{K:170} 6/25/2009
al katab malki
الاجمل تشريفك لاهنت يالغالي
rakan bn abdullah
{K:170} 6/25/2009
al katab malki
الاجمل تشريفك لاهنت يالغالي
rakan bn abdullah
{K:170} 6/25/2009
Yazeed Jalili
thank you my frind
rakan bn abdullah
{K:170} 6/25/2009
Yazeed Jalili
thank you my frind
abdallrahman al malki
{K:-161} 6/25/2009
تجريد جميل بالتوفيق
M jalili
{K:69009} 6/25/2009
Really I lie it so much . 7/7 ..............
rakan bn abdullah
{K:170} 6/25/2009
Petal Wijnen
thank you
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 6/25/2009
Neat idea, great in B&W!!! Fine tones and excellent DOF!! But the composition could've been a bit more 'exciting'... Just by cropping, preferably in camera, but you can achieve that also at a later stage... I hope you don't mind, but I've attached an example of how I would crop this image to show you what I mean... once again, this is how I would do it, absolutely no hard feelings if you don't agree... ;-D Gr. PW
