City - Coos Bay State - OREGON Country - United States
Hidden in the fog, a local tug boat had just put a pilot onto this container ship. 20 minutes later the two vessels emerged from the fog. The tug always heads back into the bay entrance ahead of the ship. This evening was just perfect as a 1000 foot high wall of dense fog rested about a mile off shore. Above the fog was relatively clear sky, but the sun had just about set, leaving barely enough light to get a good image with about a 1/15 second exposure if I remember correctly. Very calm seas that evening added greatly to the image. It's in color, but here I converted this image to B&W. Not sure which version I like best. I tried using IrfanView to balance the tones using blue and green prior to converting to B&W. Not sure how much I gained by doing so. Digital is still pretty new to me. The slide to CD was done at a local retailer on a FUJI machine sized at 1818 by 1228 I will add the color version later.
Thank you so much. This was a very rare moment. I have watched a tug boat take a pilot out to a ship many, many times over the years. Tho I have been to this overlook location hundreds of times, I had never witnessed something quite like this.