{K:13087} 5/9/2009
thanks rashed!
{K:13087} 5/9/2009
have a nice weekend to you too, dear srna...
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 5/9/2009
Good Morning my friend, this is a wonderful image of very original atmosphere and very well lit and compsed, great sharpness here and of very well saturated colors, wishing you all of the best .
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 5/9/2009
They live indeed in a world full of colors Soumya ... nicely composed, like the spontaneous moment and their expressions and I m wondering are they are aware of the fact where they are living by their expressions ... ;-) With pp you emphasize your POV and presentation, well done !!! Have a lovely weekend :) Srna
{K:13087} 5/9/2009
thanks nicki
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 5/9/2009
A lovely street capture with all the details and all these kind people.Nicely taken! Best to you, Nicki
{K:13087} 5/9/2009
thank riny for that lovely comment :-)
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 5/9/2009
I realize that I have two eyes to see beautiful and colorful world. I always remember to use it by seeing positive things,take care my friend,riny