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for Aleksandar and David
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Image Title:  for Aleksandar and David
Favorites: 1 
 By: Wolf Zorrito  
  Copyright ©2009

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Photographer Wolf Zorrito  Wolf Zorrito {Karma:78768}
Project #52 Patterns in Nature Camera Model FZ5
Categories Nature
Film Format
Portfolio nature
Lens Leica
Uploaded 5/3/2009 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 554 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
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Country - Netherlands   Netherlands
About David, yesterday I talked about your mother. When I saw a recent photo of you, I see you are changing from a child into a young man. Mustache, beard, darker voice and other things ;-) These are men's things and you need your dad to guide you into adulthood about man's matters. Questions like work, girls, marriage, war and peace or maybe just the feeling your dad gives you he LOVES you and gives you a feeling of safety. You will feel this the rest of your life. And later on when you are a strong man, you will make your own wisdom based on the pillars of guidance by your parents.

Aleksandar, I cannot feel what you are going through but when I read your health lies for a part in the hands of doctors I know that it is a blessing they will do it and it is a curse because every man wants to be independent an decide about his own life. I assune this is a burden and it takes more courage to carry this than climbing the highest mountain.
I wish you good health and recovery and may God bless you. And you have a good taste when you choose Srna to be your wife. Or did she choose you ;-) -;
Be well


translation by google translate:

Давид, јучер сам говорио о својој матери. Кад сам видео у задње време фотографију вас, видим ти се мењају од детета у младића. Бркови, брада, глас тамније и друге ствари ;-) То су мушки ствари и тата вам је потребан Ваш водич за вас у зрело доба о човеку стварима. Питања као што су рад, девојке, брака, рата и мира или можда само осећај Ваше тата даје вам он вас воли и даје вам осећај сигурности. Осјетити ћете овај остатак вашег живота. А касније кад се снажна човека, те воља направити твој властити мудрост заснива на стубова вођство од свог родитеља.

Александра, ја не могу осетити оно што се дешава, али кад сам кроз прочитати ваше здравље лежи у делу у рукама лекари Знам да је то благослов да ће то учинити и када је проклетство, јер сваки човек жели бити независне једна одлучити о свом сопственом животу. И ово је ассуне терет те је потребно више храбрости носити ову од пењање на највишу планину.
Желим Вам добро здравље и опоравак и мај, Бог вас благосливљем. И имате добар укус кад се одлучите да се Срна своју жену. Или није она коју изаберете ;-) -;
Да буде добро


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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 5/6/2009
My clever boy .... ;-)


Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 5/6/2009
Aleksander has good taste .............. ;-)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 5/4/2009
ps: and I am so sorry for my late replay to you but you shocked me so much in a positive way I just was not able to write a word for 2 days to you back ... that is me too ;-)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 5/4/2009
Me prising you to haven my Harry ???!!!
I am still standing behind every single word I wrote when you dedicated a photo and warmhearted and wise words for David few days ago ... now I am even more touched as well as my David and Aleksandar are ...
You are so worth and so precious and I will repeat this till the end and after !!!
Our deepest gratitude ... !!!
My love and my respect and always in my heart and in my soul you are Harry ... you know that ... you may always lay your head on my shoulder and you may always share what ever with me ... you know that as well !!!

And ... Aleksandar told you that I choose him ;-)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU , my Family is blessed by knowing YOU Harry !!!

And mail me when ever you are able to ... ok ?!
You have not come into my dreams lately ... mail me Harry !!!




Nicole Besch Nicole Besch   {K:72664} 5/4/2009
WOW...I don't know what do say my dear friend!I have tears in my eyes when I read all these kind and fantastic words!You are such a good soul Harry and I know Srna will have tears as well in her eyes:)A wonderful picture to David and Aleksandar...a wonderful gesture to Srna as well!
I wish both of you my very best!!!!
Biiiiiig warm hugs,


Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf   {K:61374} 5/4/2009
How beautiful flowers and nice framing :)
What a nice gift!!!!!

Best wishes,


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 5/3/2009
A beautiful floral composition with a very lovely dedication to Aleksandar and David. Wonderful thoughtful words that I know will please our lovely Srna. All the best Harry......Ray


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 5/3/2009
Hi Harry
I,m happy seeing you're healthy and supporting Lady Srna and her family ! Your kindness , ..
It's a good gift and kind instructions from a wise man.
I pray the god for your health and for Srna and her husband , and everybody , .. Although I'm not sure of the result of these prayings !!
Be well (in sha allah)


 Aungsita  Chatterjee Aungsita  Chatterjee   {K:19843} 5/3/2009


Aylin ATASAGUN Aylin ATASAGUN   {K:13273} 5/3/2009
Lovely gift dear Harry...


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 5/3/2009
Magnificent gift to Srna Family,Harry.
Al the best my lovely Friends.




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