Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 3/10/2009
Thanks Ray, see you tomorrow
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 3/10/2009
Have to answer you before I go off to bed my friend......I have never ever posted a CC shot myself nor do I intend to, just not my cup of tea. I have noticed that some put a comment into a CC shot....'excellent'....what good is that??? You will, as time goes by, 'meet' people on UF who will enter into long discourses about photography. Try to identify those who have a similar view to yourself and get stuck in Dan. I will 'see' you tomorrow when I go back into UF. Take care, be well. Very best wishes to you my friend
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 3/10/2009
Ray, thanks for that. As you can see from my profile I have been here for a while and know what goes on, the only thing that bugs me is the critiques corner is crap. I have just been too busy to post shots, so now I am back again :-)
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 3/10/2009
Hi there Dan. I can't spend as much time on UF as some of the members do. I have a sick brother who I care for and that takes some time and I have a wife who occasionally feels neglected if I'm on the computer for too long . I only post 1 or 2 shots a week even although I have dozens at hand. I guess what I'm trying to say to you is just pace yourself and set a limit on the time you spend on line, don't let it become a chore my friend. I have just returned from my brother's place and will be back on UF tomorrow, all being well, so I will catch up with you then. Take care, be well. Very best wishes to you Dan......Ray
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 3/9/2009
Yes I have been a slack ass, well I have been really busy recently. Thank you so much my friend for your comments.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 3/9/2009
Usefilm is as much about socialising as it is about photography my dear Dan. I know nothing about any of the other dozens of site available and I have no time to investigate or indeed sufficient interest to do so. The secret of UF is to enthusiastically comment on photographs belonging to fellow members until you build up enough friends or associates of the kind of photographer you want to regularly exchange critiques with. I have noticed that you do not get a lot of comments Dan and you really DO deserve to get far more than you do. Maybe you haven't been 'joining' in as much as you might, try that, see if that works. I have a 'following' of friends and associates and I am at best just a middling kind of photographer, certainly not good. My own style of commenting doesn't sit well with some photographers, so be it, for I do not feel qualified to tell someone where they have gone wrong. I look at photographs and find what is right about them and comment on those aspects and leave the more honest and harsh critques to others. I always welcome any kind of critque personally, some I will learn from and agree with what has been said or if I think that a critique has missed the point of my shot, I will thank that person and ignor what they have said. Every person who posts a shot on UF posted it because THEY believed it was as good as they could get it. This is what I judge people, what they set out to achieve regardless of the faults thay may have committed.
Hey Dan, forgive me for sounding off, hope some of this is useful to you and I hope you continue to post here for you have a great eye for photographic opportunity. Take care my friend, be well, very best wishes to you........Ray
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 3/9/2009
Thanks Ray, glad someone commented on it. I am not sure that this critique corner is worth it. Haven't had anything from it yet.
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 3/6/2009
I like this one Dan in the way you have captured the yacht in the area left of the natural framing from the tree. Great details, lovely tones and what an amazing crowd of people on board. Love the blurry gull who is wondering why the camera isn't directed at it . Well done, a very nicely timed moment. Best wishes.......Ray