Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/7/2009
yeah well of course.. becuase you have framed up the scene... is bound to be better.. the new visitors dont get sent the comment to you so how are they gonna know.. are they gonna come back nahhh...
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 2/7/2009
Careful now... I did take the without frame shot... and liked this much better. Be nice to those new visitors. I love the balance in this with the branch "roof" forcing the view to the buildings and just kissing the other tree.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 2/7/2009
nice.. that what I call a Kodachrome sky.. what stap backwards and remove the frame.. what an i
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 2/6/2009
you got a very fine roads to drive, I will not tell you what we find in our ways homes,it should be Known to you by now.
Sandip Aine
{K:5008} 2/6/2009
Beautiful shot Jim .. nicely composed and grt light .. very well done ..
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 2/6/2009

W. Paul Rosenberry
{K:1729} 2/6/2009
Jim, I really like this photo and I see what you are doing here but let me ask you this, did you take about 3 steps forward, zoom back some and take this photo without the overhanging branch?