Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 6/9/2003
Jay Gumm
{K:3084} 6/3/2003
Super - fashion indeed! great light on the coat!
Nebojsa Tomic
{K:973} 6/3/2003
great tonal range,beautiful picture!
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 6/2/2003
Beautiful light, color, and detail, and that coat is amazing! Another fine job, Andrew...
Jeff Singer
{K:180} 6/2/2003
Well lit and great job on the color. I'm not sure about the expression on the model's face though. But a nice picture overall!
Harlan Heald
{K:15732} 6/2/2003
Marvelous! Excellent pose, composition and capture. Great lighting (as always.) Bravo!!!
Robert Patrick
{K:8337} 6/2/2003
A glamour shot with luscious nineteen-thirties style color.
k m
{K:324} 6/2/2003
very pleasant lightng! the fur works beautifully!