Saad Salem
{K:89003} 10/23/2008
Dear Jim,appreciate you input from my heart and soul,and your offer is accepted with honor,if I have to reply something ,I will tell you this: the friends that I have met over the UF,are replacing all the sincere friends that I have lost. yours, S.Salem.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/23/2008
yeah Hi Jim.. I am on G3 of 3 this latest is a somewhat didgy Merlot.. enough of that more later I expect,... I read your comment to Saad and I thought jeez Jim Jeez.. you n me need a long heart to heart I am gonna go to the travel agents next week I promise and I am gonna send the loot tomorrer I promise that too.. cheers old mate yeah disaster.. I mean fek.. I mean fek me ... u yanks.. ya;s git me.. I mean fek.. roll on
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 10/23/2008
Saad, I was thinking of people in general who just go through life and do not consider how close we all are to disaster. I guess if we think about the bad thinks that might happen to us… it would drive us crazy and we would never have any fun. Your comment made me think. I have a very safe and secure life in the United States. I live in the state of Illinois (L-uh-noy) in the county of Bureau (Bure-oh) in the village of Seatonville (C-ton-fil… you have to say it fast….Ctonfil) I seldom think about what is around me because I never really feel the weight of the world on my doorstep. I understand what you are saying and yes, I guess my photo is saying the same thing. I pray all will work out for the best for you and your loved ones. If you ever find your self in Illinois… you have a place to sleep and break bread. I hope if I ever have the pleasure to visit Mosul, I will have the honor of meeting you and yours. I would love to eat a traditional dinner of yours. And maybe, you would like a hotdog with mustard and a cold beer. Be well and safe until we can one day meet.
ranjan ghose
{K:1485} 10/21/2008
Fantastic Image. Very creative work.
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 10/21/2008
yes dear Jim,I live the very heart of a huge and big disaster,this is if I understand you correctly,my best, Saad.
M. Bi
{K:3646} 10/21/2008
Great image! 7++
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 10/21/2008
What a fantastic image Jim. It is a powerful capture with fantastic colors, details and DOF. Being a New Yorker, I have an "idea" of how close we live on the edge of disaster.... My best, Julie.