Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/17/2008
I am so stoked about this, you don't even know
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/17/2008
The dispatch has gone out to Sloan, and I will keep you appraised of our progress, my beautiful stylist.
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/17/2008
If I didn't spend all my money to go to Portland in November, I'd so fly over to SA to help you!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/17/2008
Ok, Stace! YOU are my stylist for this shoot, girl.
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/17/2008
With her right leg up on the back and her left leg down on the cushions.. That would have been a HOT pose.. A hard balancing act [maybe hide a tall table behind the couch to help? haha], but definitely hot.
And I can totally see the wheat field shoot in my head.. She's dressed very hippie chic, hair either in messy braids or just loose, minimal makeup with maybe some demi false eyelashes to help bring out her eyes, flushed apricot pink cheeks and a smidge of gloss on her lips.. And it's gotta be a breezy day, or bring someone with a big fan [or extra reflector lol] to create a breeze..
That's it.. I'm losing the camera and just becoming a photo shoot coordinator. HA!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/17/2008
You did point out something important, too, Stace: She could have done that same pose on the BACKREST of the couch.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/17/2008
Oh, GREAT idea, Stace. Thanks!
Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/17/2008
No way.. She's a natural! The couch looks a bit soft, like she's totally sinking into it haha But the shot's gorgeous.
I would love to see you do some on location stuff with her, in a big wheat field, at sunset.. *dies*
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/16/2008
Yeah. Not so much 'uncomfortable' as 'unfamiliar' since this was one of her first photo sessions.
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 9/16/2008
She looks a tad uncomfortable in that pose but the lighting kicks @ss ;) Nice kicker ;)