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The milky way on water
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Image Title:  The milky way on water
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 By: Nick Karagiaouroglou  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Nick Karagiaouroglou  Nick Karagiaouroglou {Karma:127263}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon T70
Categories Landscape
Film Format 24x36mm
Portfolio Lens Canon FD 24mm f/2.8 SSC
Uploaded 8/20/2008 Film / Memory Type Fuji  Superia
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 373 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 14 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Interlaken
State - 
Country - Switzerland   Switzerland
About Same time and place like on the porevious one. I decided to try also a vertical one including the sun. The underexposure helped very well to get those shines and reflections on water but also the haze at the depth adequately. Any comments would be very welcome.
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There are 14 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/24/2008
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, Vandi!




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/24/2008
Hi Jen, and thanks a lot for your reply!

It is not "easier" to get some nice shots in some certain place than in some other certain place. Perhaps this is "easier" for you, but this is not a general rule. Look at the great works of so many photographers and you will.

Perhaps you *like* the real scene as it *was* when you captured it, but this real scene that you have in memory is *not* the image. I refer to this difference because some 90% of the wannabes think that the spectacularity which they can remember makes the image automatically good. Which is of course nonsense. Photography is not the personal remembrance but purely what can be seen on the image. If it were the perception of some given place we would all be automatically photographers since we could just go to some particular spectacular place and shoot some images. This would simply mean, if you have the possibility to travel and if you have a camera then you are a photographer. Not much sense in that, or is there any?

If you "don't feel" like getting out and shooting some images when it rains, well... don't raise that to some kind of general photography rule. Quite the contrary, if you want to deal seriously with photography you just *have* to cope with *all* light. Not only with sunshine and not only with some kind of "happy feeling" on the session. Photography is not the personal "tralala" but a very silent, very concentrated, and at the moment of the shot also very isolated thing. The photographer has to observe, carefully and independently. The photographer has to *make* visible and not at all to capture something that we might "like" because the "weather was good", or the "feel was right". After all, think of that, why the implicit assumption that I, the spectator, have to "like" sunshine and the wilderness of Africa? Perhaps I like clouds over an industrial city full of dust and rust. You can never say. So, the only thing that remains for me, to do justice as good as I can to your images, is to forget about my preferences and to examine *how* you shot them, and not *what* you shot. Most of the wannabes will remain at the typical "ooohh, marvelous place", but we are not talking about places here. We are talking about the *images* of places, objects, whatever. Else this wouldn't be a photography forum, but rather some kind of vacations forum, ey? ;-)

As about summer here, well, it has been... summer.

Cheers and take a look at less "nice" things.



Vandy Neculae Vandy Neculae   {K:7990} 8/23/2008
Very good landscape, Nick!
The sun reflection is excellent.

Best regards,


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 8/22/2008
I should thank you dear Nick for being so specific in this comment! I know from my knowledge that it shouldnt make a difference where I make my shots, but somehow it does...
Why is it easier to get some nice shots in the open and wildernis of Africa then on the flat grounds of Holland, its just my thoughts I know, but it makes a difference somehow...
Also weather makes it all different, at least to me, to stand on a mountain in the snow, with sunlight or having our rains like we have now doesnt make you feel like going out and get some nice shots, we had a terrible summer, how about there? What I like is you take shots against the sun as well, like I use to do, despite my eyes, I should take more care indeed! Thank you so much for your explaination and sleep well, hugs Jenxx


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/22/2008
Thanks a lot, Harry!

It is a bit tilt to the right, or am I wrong? I can't say exactly... Anyway, it really "feels right" when rotated a bit to the left. (Or of course by tilting the monitor! ;-))




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/22/2008
This is what I think too, Jim! It's the stronger of the two. Thanks a lot for the nice comment!




Wolf Zorrito Wolf Zorrito   {K:78768} 8/21/2008
Excellent Nick, love it very much !
PS, tilt your monitor so it is levelled again ;-)


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/21/2008
Thank you very much for the nice comment and so generous rating, Hussam!




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/21/2008
Thanks a lot again, Aziz!

No, the direct sunlight doesn't damage the sensor(s) of the camera. It could do harm to the eyes of the photographer though. So, care is needed when for example metering light right on the sun, etc.




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 8/21/2008
Thanks a lot, Jen!

You of course noticed that actually everything is dark on this one. And so also the water. I underexposed it for this kind of "dark daylight" which in turn enhances the very strong highlights like for example the sun and the reflections on the water. So, there you go putting some emphasis on light by strengthening the shadows.

All places have lots of scenes and things for nice shots, Jen. You only need to step out of the door and look around, be it on the mountains of Switzerland or on the plains of Holland, or... just everywhere. Actually it is absolutely not *what* but *how* we shoot. So, the "nice place" (and the search for it) is an almost meaningless thing for itself. As already said I have more than enough terrible images of poor nice places. ;-) Same goes for summer/winter from the photographical point of view. This one was very early autumn some years ago.




Jim Budrakey Jim Budrakey   {K:24393} 8/21/2008
I think this is the stronger of the two shots. I like the sun star and the reflection. The mist adds also (gee, I must like everything about this shot :-). Nice work.


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 8/20/2008
Impressive, beautiful shot,awesome detail.

Realy nicely done.



aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 8/20/2008
Reflection of light in water is very beautiful here.
Wouldn't you think this direct sunlight damages the sensor of the camera ?
Be well


Jen van Wijn Jen van Wijn   {K:24075} 8/20/2008
It almost looks like a moonshine, great light on the water dear Nick, just wondering why the water is this dark with sunlight, makes it also very interesting and exciting! Your country has lots to make nice shots, hope summer stays for a while:) Hugs Jenxx




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