Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 8/14/2008
Moja droga ja cie kocham...etc,pamietasz te piosenke,grana czesto na radiokangorek z Australii. Serdecznosci, Stanislaw.
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Stasiu:) Dziękuję za miłe odwiedziny i dla Ciebie...Lesko...proszę bardzo:) Uściski:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Dear Zeev:) Thank You for Your nice words:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Thank You, Gerhard:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Thank You, Lugal:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Thank You, Dave:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Paolo:)Thank You:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Thank You, Dear Heloiza:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Thank You, Rino:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Thank You, Julie:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 8/14/2008
Jose:) Thank You:) Warm hugs:) Viola
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 8/5/2008
Wzruszla mnie ta fotka...jeszcze nie tak dawno wluczylem sie tamtedy. Mialem rodzine w Lesku,Poloniny zdeptalem wzdluz i wszerz. Serdeczne dzieki,Violu. Stanislaw.
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 8/3/2008
Excellent Image dear Viola,superb strong colors,beautiful composition
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 7/30/2008
A subject of full naturalness and poetry. Regards Gerhard
Lugal Sar
{K:4838} 7/29/2008
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/29/2008
Well composed and great colour, Violetta! The woman and dog add great interest to the scene, too. Dave.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 7/28/2008
amazing colours...wonderful landscape!
Heloiza Averbuck
{K:2488} 7/28/2008
Beautiful photo,Violetta...it looks like a paiting..amazing colors,great composition!:) Kisses Heloiza
rino sirio
{K:8012} 7/28/2008
bellissimo paesaggio con ottimi dettagli e bella resa cromatica,,,,ciao rino
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 7/28/2008
Excellent composition, colors and mood here. Beautiful work! Best, Julie.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/28/2008
gorgeous. great composition. 7++++++++