The first one of another old series from some years ago: "The tulips at the Insel Hospital in Bern". The groups of tulips were placed in such a good way in the garden - good to see and goodfor phototgraphy too. The gardener was surely very a very capable. This one is the best of the series for me. I tried to find some good spot and angle for getting a nice view of that color chaos. Any comments would be very welcome.
And thanks a lot for the probably most amusing three messages I ever received!
First of all, thank you very much for your "Courtesy rework". It is really amazing to see such a hollywoodian exaggeration of Disneyland "taste"! Now it is "Tulips under gamma-radiation", really great!
Thank you also for demonstrating your generous, good soul to the world, as you of course didn't miss the opportunity to use your message for announcing that you did Dave the favour to include him in you dedication lists. What a warm human being you are! I stand astonished!
But most of all I am grateful to you for all the work you did, be it manual load or using robots or anything, for artificially generating such an incredible (and also completely laughable) number of views of this image. Any even more I thank you for believing that nobody would notice that your artificial high number of views just can't be true, considering the fact that most of my images get a maximum of perhaps 50 or 60 views. Come on now mate, make it just 66 next time. It's already OK for implying my devlishness, ey?
Small hint for your high intelligence, next time you use robots (or even manual work) for loading the webside of some image some hundreds of times, think a bit more. First of all that high number itself is not credible. And then, take care to somehow hack the site in such a way that all subsequent visitors are not counted in addition to your laughable 666 views. I see 681 views right now and I am really sorry that I can't fulfill your wish to make the antichrist out of me. Unfortunately some other people did also take a look... I am very sorry for that, really! I would love to be your antichrist and I'll work hard for that in future, just in order to satisfy your mediocracy.
Because, you see, you found really the right person for directing such a question (based on complete lack of elementary education), believing that your naivity could cause something at all to me. I am an atheist. It doesn't matter to me at all, if you name me an antichrist, a devil, a god, whatever. I simply don't care! But of course I do care if your need for acknowledgement is satisfied, and so I promise to do anything for making you happy! So, what do you want from me? Should I start a discussion thread accepting your generous characterisation of mine as the antichirst?
Be sure, I don't care for comments like yours which are *none*. But keep them coming, I need something to laugh!
With so many views, (666), currently as in the 'Mark of the Beast', (aka Anti-Christ), you would think that you would have had many many more comments and at least one (1) favorite checked off by now ... Yes/No?
Please see my reply to Indranil and thanks so much for your short little remark on my humble image titled "Turtles" of the 'Wildlife Series' thereby you are included in all the 'Dedication List(s)' of each and every image of the entire new 'Series' of 'Florals' that I have currently on 'Exhibit' ...
Thanks a lot for the nice comment and the suggestion, Indranil!
But did you also see that the edges of the leaves are already very very close to exhibiting pixelation effects, and that actually on some of them the pixelation is already visible? (Marked up attachment.) And what happens when we still insist to sharpen everything beyond the boundaries of a natural look? Right! That's no more photography but... pixelography! ;-)
The dawn of digital imaging has apparently lowered the sensitivity of our eyes to very "coarse" degrees, as we don't seem to admire the normal degree of sharpness but want alwaysmore andmore, much like the sensitiveness of the modern tongue that can no more taste the fine arome of natural strawberries and needs strong chemical additives. At the same time we all talk and bubble about "natural" and "organic" and "environment, etc, etc. Well, that's irony in the best case, isn't it?
Hello Nick, wonderful DOF for this one..i liked the soft colours very much..since it is scanned..i feel one more grade of sharpening would have been ideal...may be u have tried and got a halo..i dont know..just my opinion