Marian Man
{K:80636} 11/6/2008
a real story teller!!!!! well seen and captured dear Thanos!!! wonderful compositon with fine tones!!! filika Marian
Thanos Savvidis
{K:363} 7/28/2008
Well, Greg, the process of this foto...: The foto was taken at my early steps in photography, in 1995, with my old Nikon FG. Therefore, film foto. I scanned the print with a scanner that is for general use. Then, in photoshop, transformed it to B/W, levels, sharpening. Hope, this helps! Cheers!!
Greg Panayiotou
{K:303} 7/27/2008
I like the light the B/W. How did you process the image? The edges are too soft.
Thanos Savvidis
{K:363} 7/21/2008
Thak you all for visiting! It's very encouraging having comments from people around the worl!!
Andreas Droussiotis
{K:4757} 7/18/2008
Great composition and very nice monochrome toning . A.
Greg Panayiotou
{K:303} 7/16/2008
My friend Thanos.
This photo tells stories... bring memories...
Excellent lighting that contributes to the mood of the scene.
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 7/15/2008
It's incredible how light and color succeed in a climate incredible, a fantastic photo. 7 / 7. anne...
Marian Man
{K:80636} 7/14/2008
nostalgic, melancholic, wonderful!!!!!! excellent composition with fine tones!!!!! I really like it a lot bravo dear Thanos Marian
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 7/14/2008
At arrival I found this Cyprus holiday address a little bit disappointing. But that is the risk of booking through the internet. Nice tones and composition. Congrats.