Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/4/2008
Nothing silmulates my favorite films well enough, Harry! It gets close, but....
I know that such methods like HDR are not new at all. The difference is that the "balck box" mentality was much less present when one had to know what and why has to be done. The too big automatization brings a much easier way to do many things, but at the end also the danger to get too comfortable, ey?
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 7/3/2008
Dont worry, latest plug ins for PS simulate your favorite film hahahah. I think it can work with film by making eg 5 exposure on film wit EV -2 .... +2 and do the HDR combining digital. Film users were very inventive in the past, they already made subtraction photos ( for medical purpose ) with film and I would not be surprised they had theur own way of making HDR images with film. Just dig in the archives or open up a bottle of ouzo for an old poor analog photographer .
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/3/2008
So that's why you shot this, ey? Because of the interested woman! You, unshameful!!!! ;-)
I don't doubt that you did what you described, Harry. I am also very certain that this has way higher dynamics range than the original. Still I would expect an even wider dynamics range, which shows, if anything at all, how much my eyes have been already influenced by the incredible dynamics range fo some images I saw in the web, like for example at http://www.cybergrain.com/tech/hdr/ . I am hunting behind a (still unfound) extreme dynamics film since I'd like to get such images right out of the camera/lens, but I think that this might also prove to be the dream of a summer night. :-( From the purely chemical/technological point of view such a film is possible, but I guess that the demand for it is too low in our digital times.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 7/2/2008
Nick, i used hdr to capture every bit of dynamic range of the slidefilm. I used no flash and I can assure you that this digital result has more dynamics than the original slide ( in 1986 we did not yet think of hdr exposures yet hahahahaha ) I added some airbrush to pimp up the dark areas.
Thanks for your remarks ! Harry PS, the woman looked very interested in me ;-)
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 7/2/2008
Slidefilm i spretty good. I do experience that converting them with HDR and the 105 mm prime that I can see the boundaries of film/slide. Digital and HDR has more dynamic range.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 7/2/2008
Beautiful scene...would love to be there.:)
M jalili
{K:69009} 7/1/2008
Excellent ..............
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/1/2008
great composition. 7++++++++++
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 7/1/2008
Its a very good composition with its curves of the celing and the floor, Harry! This provides good sense for depth in some different way than the usual leading lines. The coloring of the interior is also very good. I only wished some more contrast on the two persons that seem to be both partially overexposed and partially underexposed. HDR should make much more of it in this sense. But this is a difficult light situation.
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 7/1/2008
Excellent pic of this fine architecture Wolf. Slide film takes a lot of beating i think. Cheers Keith:)