AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/25/2008
Hi Cas - glad you found this useful, though it was just a suggestion that came to mind. I think you've got the gist of what I meant by "looking out" and "looking in". And yes, this could be achieved by moving the centre of the flower to the right, but also rotating the position of the camera to the left, or arranging for more blue petals to be behind the yellow.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 6/25/2008
Hi AJ, I did not know what you meant by "looking out" meant but I think if I positioned the centre of the flower more to right it would be more "looking in ". These are little flowers only blooming for one day but I have them in my garden and will try to elimanate the dull background next time. This is the kind of advice I like. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 6/25/2008
Hi Jan, It is wonderful to get a comment like this. I am a bit new to digital photography and hope to learn more. Groete, Cas.
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/23/2008
Fine colours and detail. As a CC'd image, I would comment that the main subject appears to be "looking out" of the image. I would prefer it to be "looking in", if you see what I mean. I would perhaps also try to find a position to take the shot where I lost the greeny-brown background - I think this would be even stronger if it was just yellow and blue.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 6/22/2008
Beautiful with wonderful saturation and fine details. Quite an eye-catcher. --Best wishes, Jan