last comment: Hello André, Great color and a very sharp photograph, my compliments. About the composition: I think the flower looks too "bombastic" (sorry, I hope I used the right word for it, my english is poor). Maybe if you leave the green edges away and only show the orange color of the flower it will look much better. Don't be afraid to leave parts of a flower away; it can only makes it look stronger. I hope you don't mind telling you this, it is just a suggestion. Diana.
Strong, bold colours! Wow! Love the closeness and the detail! I just want to see one without the brown/green squiggle (I'm not sure what it is, but looks like a piece of petal or dirt?) The petals are so strong and I want to keep following them around with my eyes, but that dark speck keeps stopping them. I know that flowers have flaws, but this is something that can be removed without changing the beauty of the flower.