Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/7/2008
You are very welcome, Bryan!
But it is not "my idea", really. It's a typical method used when expecting something to appear at some special place. Most of the time it is used for, say, capturing a butterfly on a flower. You pre-focus there and just wait until the butterfly might have the grace to land on flower. So, this would be only the continuation of the method for a "butterfly" that we can artifically introduce, i.e the smoke. It could at the end save much time too, since one doesn't have to take, say, 10 exposures and hope for some good one among them.
P.S.: As I am a (passionated) smoker myself.. hmmm, I must make a series of pre-focused smoke! ;-)
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 6/6/2008
fantastic idea nick... i havent had any spare time to shoot this type of thing again, but when i do, i will take more time to experiment. i usually only have a few hours of time inwhich to "play" with my equipment, so i tend to rush... your comments have definitely given me some ideas... thank you!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/6/2008
You are very welcome, Bryan!
Thinking aloud about a possibility to keep it focused: Since the low part of the smoke silhouette is very well in focus, it must be that the upper part simply exceeded the limits of the DoF, i.e. some parts of it were closer or further away than the region of depth in sharp focus. So, you did the hard job of finding the focus pretty well. It was only that some fo the smoke was unshameful enough to spread out too strongly at the top of the image. At f/5.6 the size of the DoF must have been still big enough for covering the necessary range, so perhaps a part of the smoke was only shifted out of DoF? If so, then pre-focusing with a rigid object of about the same dimensions as the smoke at the top of the image could be a small trick to achieve that?
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 6/4/2008
yes thank you Nick for taking the time to make those adjustments... unfortunately with smoke, focus is really a challenge, but your right it would make for a better image... thank you again for taking the time to comment and to adjust the photo!!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/4/2008
Great contrast of the contours of the smoke against the background, especially on the ripples, Bryan! The resricted color palette adds much of the look and feel of an abstract sculpture.
The small thingies on the bottomcould be avoided for a better integrity of composition. Also some better focus of the top could do good in enhancing the contours of the smoke there. I add an attachment as a hint. Way not perfect but perhaps good as a visual help.
Cheers! Nick
 Cloned off two thingies at the bottom, sharpened the top a bit |
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 6/3/2008
thank you Aj, for taking the time to comment... i feel the same way, it is a bit distracting.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 6/3/2008
Muy buenos los detalles, la luz y las elegantes formas abstractas. Felicitaciones!
AJ Miller
{K:49168} 6/3/2008
Beautifully done. The colours and shapes are superb. My only very minor niggle is with the intrusion of the wicks at the bottom.
Sam Battles
{K:667} 6/3/2008
This is absolutley amazing. Love it. =]
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 6/3/2008
thank you tushar... ironically.. when i need to get creative i plug in the opera, cheers... and thanks again for taking the time to comment...
Tushar Gaikwad
{K:519} 6/3/2008
Great shot Bryan. After seeing I feel like I am listening classical music. Nice timing and composition. Congrates. - Tushar
Daniel Soczewiński
{K:1474} 6/3/2008
Very Nice Photo! Fantastic Effect Regards Daniel
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 6/3/2008
thank you Erdem... for your comments..
M.Erdem Dondurmacioglu
{K:221} 6/3/2008
Last one is the best one I think. Very good shot in timing and composition. Very creative. Congrats!
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 6/3/2008
thank you Abdur for sharing your thoughts....
Abdur Rahman
{K:634} 6/3/2008
Wow! Wonderful and very creative shot. Thanks. -Abdur