Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 7/20/2004
wowwwwww.. great work, excellent
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 1/17/2004
Hi Irenka: Excellent night photograph, with nice reflections....!!!
Regards: Jeff Cartwright, Alberta, Canada. Ps: Thank you for your comment.....I agree with you! I have just viewed your Portfolio, its, very interesting photographic work!!!
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 5/31/2003
Kostas - another one shows just the bridge... :-)
Shigeyuki Mohara
{K:4753} 5/27/2003
Beautiful lighting and reflection!! Excellent night shot! Regards, Shige
Kostas Tzanetos
{K:22012} 5/26/2003
Your photo explains why Rome is the city that impressed you most in its night dress,Irenka,and I'm sure you have a lot more photos to support this statement! The special mood of this picture,helped by the excellent metering, leaves nothing to comment on - except a note on composition,which might benefit from turning the camera to the left to include more of the bridge.As for the reflection in the river,it is probably the most powerful element of your image.An image that should be a bit sharper,to tell the truth... ;-) anyway,keep shooting Irenka,and thank you vvvvery much for your nice comments on my work :-))
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 5/26/2003
Thank you for your nice comments, I use PS only for the basic operations (resize, crop, level, contrast and so on) because I like to keep the photo closer to the original. I'm waiting your next photo and... the coffee as well!!! ;-) Regards Massimo
Zoltan Galik
{K:191} 5/26/2003
Beautiful shot and excellent reflection! Congrats Irenka!
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 5/26/2003
Kolejna piekna nocna kompozycja, znow troche nieostra. Ale nie ma co sie przejmowac. Radze Ci wejsc na photopoints.com i wyszukac Niemca o imieniu Deryk Baumgarter - uzywa cp5700 a tworzy cuda nocne.
Na moim abstrakcie, swiatla to latarnie na plazy pomiedzy domkami (tzw. beach boxes) w tle widac zielen i krzaki, a z za nich wystaje jeden dom. Naswietlilem wszystko troche, po czym falujacym ruchem ruszylem aparat w bok zeby uzyskac te fale.
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 5/26/2003
Excellent nightshot Irenka!!! Regards!!
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 5/26/2003
Massimo - thanks for correction. No problem ;-) Coffee in the old Town? ;-)
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 5/26/2003
Roma Notturna... Nice mood in this shot, beautiful view and warm colors, I feel summertime coming. Regards Massimo
Eat something at Rome and later a coffee at Warsaw, ok? ;-)
Evy Johansen
{K:667} 5/25/2003
Great picture, beautiful lighting, Irenka! - Evy
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 5/25/2003
Marvelous night shot, Irenka. Beautiful lighting and nice reflections.
Allen Aisenstein
{K:5652} 5/25/2003
Nice nightscape. Excellent work!
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 5/25/2003
Beautiful exposure and marvelous compositions with the reflections... regards, Tommaso
Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 5/25/2003
Thank you for all the comments..
Filip - thanks, it was the reflection I was focusing on... ;-)
Martin Woortman
{K:-558} 5/25/2003
This is another clearer image.

edmond lisy
{K:10311} 5/25/2003
Romantic feeling......beautiful image......
Martin Woortman
{K:-558} 5/25/2003
Yes, it is Utrecht

Irenka Daniluk
{K:8011} 5/25/2003
Martin... Is this Utrecht? the picture is very small and dark somehow, but I seem to recognize the characteristic silouette of the Dom Toren... (?)
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 5/25/2003
Beautiful night scene!
Martin Woortman
{K:-558} 5/25/2003
I guess that you will recognize this city.

Filip Dabrowski
{K:391} 5/25/2003
Yeah, this is beautiful. I'm glad you kept the relection and not cropped it out. Without the reflection you wouldn't have this beautiful composition. Well done, I like every inch of it. Good job!
Gregoir Hoppenbrouwers
{K:1073} 5/25/2003
Very nice eveningshot taken at the wright time during twilight.
lucio brando
{K:2295} 5/25/2003
excellent composition congrats bye lucio
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 5/25/2003
I love cities at night also..
Reda Danaf
{K:14309} 5/25/2003
Beautiful night shot well composed.
Edeltraud Vinckx
{K:5559} 5/25/2003
excellent night shot, fantastic reflection