Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 7/24/2008
Hi JF, Thanks for the crit. I have since triedagain (another location) and had good results following your advice. Groete, Cas.
Jean-Francois Bissonnette
{K:742} 7/22/2008
I was going through the pictures in the critiquer's corner and found yours. The composition is good and the mirror like lake it a good idea. You said that the exposure was good, I imagine you relied on the camera meter but it can sometimes be misleading since the camera gives an averaged reading. It does not account for very bright areas like the sky in your photo. When facing such a shot, it is always a good idea to compensate for the very bright areas by underexposing one or even two stops. However, you sometimes end up losing details in the darker areas. Still you can get "crispier" images.
Best regards!
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/29/2008
Thanks Hesham, I thihk you got Sunrise taped (under control,wonderful) judging by Golden Sunrise. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/29/2008
Hi Hussam, Thanks for your comment. About "Follow me Daddy" Is this Sara your daughter. Groete Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/29/2008
Hi Paul, No clouds or wind. I love Jen's Angel and am glad that you are moved enough to post a pic. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/29/2008
Hi Angela, Your comment shows me that I have to put a lot more thought into my pics, and not just take a pic I like. Thank you for pointing this out to me. Groete, Cas.
Cas van der Walt
{K:672} 5/29/2008
Hi Joggie, Thanks or the advice. This is what I need to one day become a decent photographer. The photo was correctly exposed but I thought it would look better a little lighter. I guess I was wrong. Groete, Cas.
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 5/28/2008
Lovely reflections Cas. Well taken! (Slightly overexposed though Cas - A stop down by one f-stop would provide you with better saturation in the greens and a bit of colour in the sky) Kind regards. Joggie
Angela DeLong
{K:3050} 5/28/2008
Nice symetry. I think a border around the whole shot would do wonders, as both the water and the sky get lost in the white background of the webpage. Though, then again, this way it kind of looks like a tattered page, and I like that too.
Paul de Beukelaar
{K:26449} 5/28/2008
Hi Cas, Nice idea those mountain edge clouds you created as added to the water mirror. The white sky doesn't show clouds and not at all angels or was the sky originally blue, "angel free" ? Look at angel Jen's cloud pic of today. That cloud (or that angel) inspired me today to upload my first pic ever on UF, greetings from Paul, Paris, France.
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 5/28/2008
Very nice capture my friend! Extremely well done.
All the best.
Hesham Abouzekry
{K:15927} 5/28/2008
beautiful...... H.A
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 5/28/2008
Excellent my dear Cas, the reflection is just great!! Its time for me to come over;)) xxJen