what the eye sees and what the lens sees is amazing isn't it, this is a thistle head gone to seed but the lens is tricked into looking at the subject of the shot and giving less significance to the surroundings by blurring them, some might call it 'dof' control but look at how it gives emphasis to the story! your eye can't do that can it? .....well, waffling on again, the joy of nature on it's seasonal journey is, daily, saddened by the thought that mankind's greed and desire to have too much of everything, is destroying our place and the big question is, are we clever enough to survive it, do you think we deserve to be given another chance? yes, we do?
Great photo. I love the depth. It is very true, the lens can see something out eye can't, but our imagination can see what the lens sees and maybe something more. By focusing on one thing in you subject you are able to see it clearly and selectively focus on just that while everything else is just blur...I guess you could say if we did something like this for earth we may not need a second chance, we can save the one we already were given. I may be dumb, ignorant, or an optimist, but I think humans have a a qualities that can set us up to accomplish many things to help this world we live in. Like, compassion, resourcefulness, creativity. Saving something as simple as a thistle is just one of the qualities we need, the larger step, and one hopefully to come is saving a field, hill, mountain, country, lake, sea, and ocean. Maybe one day there will be a new thistle or blooming flower that can sprout from the remnants of past flowers. :) Michael
hi David, thank you for your comment on this shot, you look as if you are having fun with your photography, I have been searching for a long time for an area to work in and at the moment it is really less about the subject and more about what sort of image is created by natural light reflecting off one surface onto another and making a story out of it!! kind regards, david.