The start of an old series from some years ago, "The wild art of protest and resistance", that I'll be continuing some day. It's "too political" many will say, and to all those I answer that photography is not only sitting there and smiling at the sky with naive "fantasies" of the own activity as an "artist". It has to carry also social/political messages sometime. There is nothing that is "too political" at all. Living in a society includes political interest since *ever*. If we don't talk about that, we just hide the dust under the carpet.
The series is about the activists some steps away from where I live in Lucerne. Those nice kids show their protest against the things that are simply wrong here and elsewhere. They deny to leep their mouths shut only for "being polite", or for continuing to "be happy because it is a perfect country". They name all the unacceptable things that many too many pretend to not see, and call them by their real name. They deny to just conform the generally accepted empty cheat of the typical disinterested life just for the own self, they just don't get a fat job and earn money and smile to the sun, as if nothing was happening. And I am glad to see that there are still sincere, thinking, active young people that are lightyears ahead from the typical "patriotism" that would not allow them to reveal the social/political dirt of the own country.
This series has been made around the house where they live now, after the powers that be simply demolished their old one, though those guys never did anything to anybody. They were stigmatized because they didn't keep their mouths shut, and the official authorities demonstrated their inability of ratio and argumentation by applying brute force for "law and order", using the pseudo-argument that the house has been occupied by those guys, where at the same time nobody wanted to rent it and take money for that.
But they didn't give up and simoply moved to the next house that still is standing there beside the old demolished one. And this time they managed to get the official permission to stay there, also because the other people from the region demonstrated their whole sympathy and support, signed petitions, and applied pressure onto the local authorities. Nice to see!
This image is about their symbol for men and women as *human* beings, and a final denial to support more the one and ignore the other. You see, many "human rights" are still understood without the starting syllable "hu" around here. ;-) Of course the laws will never miss to talk about equal rights, but real life practices a bit different, and real men of power still are a club for themselves. So the image had to be "dirty" as the whole series also is. Any comments would be very welcome.