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An impression of the neighborhood
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Image Title:  An impression of the neighborhood
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 By: Nick Karagiaouroglou  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Nick Karagiaouroglou  Nick Karagiaouroglou {Karma:127263}
Project #40 Street Photography Camera Model Canon T90
Categories Street
Film Format 24x36
Portfolio Lens Tokina 28-70 f/3.5-4.5 Macro
Uploaded 4/11/2008 Film / Memory Type Kodak  Royal Supra
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 342 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 4 Ratings
Location City -  Lucerne
State - 
Country - Switzerland   Switzerland
About it was the light that made me try to capture a good impression of it. Any comments would be very welcome.
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/19/2008
You shouldn't keep your tongue behind your teeth, be it forked or of any other shape, Visar! I wouldn't call it even "stuborn" but rather: Keeping and expressing the own views until perhaps sufficiently convincing arguments are given that cause a natural changing of mind. We just can't go for accepting some statement only to "preserve peace". There has to be statements, contra-statements, contra-contra-statements and so on, until some of them are accepted and some of them are rejected.

The usual "diplomatic" approach doesn't belong to "politeness". It belongs to lying. And there can be nothing against a sincere and direct exchange of true views. One thing is to fight mentally for or against some opinion, the other thing is to fight against the *carrier* of the opinion. That's a difference, isn't it?

In addition, keeping your tongue behind your teeth is also not very healthy. Some day the pressure might get too high, you know. ;-) Visar goes explosive and boom! And that was it, or what? ;-)

Just be direct. (I endure, I endure! ;-)) And seriously, how are we supposed to "discuss" if we keep our minds for ourselves? By direct wiring of brains? Can we stick the network cable into our minds? ;-)




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/18/2008
i was struck by this shot of yours, and pretty much i tried to let you know about how i feel about it.
and regarding the 'looking' at images, i have to be thankful to you.
you know, much of interests are mutual- despite their importance or harmfulness, only after many days pass we realise much about the past that passes under our nose finding us in amazement like kids in disneyland or frustrated, or...--
anyways, many times i desperately try to keep my forkedtongue behind my teeth-- that's because i am very romantic on some personal belifes and stubbornly insit on them, and not many might endure.

so thank you,


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/18/2008
Hi Visar, and thanks a lot for this detailed comment! For some reason I didn't get any email notification of your messages. Perhaps the email server was down, who knows?

Anyway, I am so glad that you mentioned that smoke. It's elementary and of immense importance here, as the only element of action, of motion and also life, exactly as you said. It allows a hypothesis that there *are* people here, on this empty streets.

I am so glad that there still some guys out there, that really *look* at the images, instead of simply writing celebration messages that say more or less nothing! Thank you very very much!




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/17/2008
Thank you very much, Vandi! Indeed, the light was what I was hunting here.




absynthius . absynthius .   {K:20748} 4/16/2008
so it is all about the light ey, isn't it?! light shaping it all, imposing excitement, peacefulness, strange shapes, boring faces, lovely people, hated machines--- and anything else; because light is mercyless- light shows it all at no will.

hmm- it all sounds trivial and cliche-- i just could not help it looking at this Nick.

the detail i like the most, apart for all the beautifully highlightened and deep contrasted areas, is the detail of smoke coming out of the chimney. it is such an essencial element, that stands brillantly in contrast with the ghost street and the ' no soul seen' in the neighbourhood. It makes the shot lively,




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/15/2008
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, Yen!




Vandy Neculae Vandy Neculae   {K:7990} 4/15/2008
Good shot with dramatic light.

Best regards,


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/14/2008
Thanks a lot for the nice comment, Ilir!




Yen I  Lien   {K:1530} 4/14/2008
Muy linda imagen en el lugar y un momento unico!!! Felicitaciones!!!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/13/2008
Thanks a lot for the nice and detailed comment, Parehan. Indeed it was mainly that light that impressed me and that made me try to somehow get it right. A pity that the auto-scaling process of UF put those Moivre patterns there on the roof, and I hope it doesn't disturb so much. But it also shows that one should take a bit more work and downscale images to the maximum aceepted size.




Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/13/2008
Thank you very much, Dave! I am glad that you find the light as dramatic, as I did when I aws trying to capture it. It came out much better than I though it could ever do. I am only a bit disappointed since the automatic downscaling of UF produced those Moivre patterns on the roof. They are there on the original image, which makes me recognize that I must manually downscale the images before posting them.

All the best,



Ilir Xhemsiti Ilir Xhemsiti   {K:4285} 4/12/2008
Very good shot my friend,great dramatic light,...complimenti.


parehan .K parehan .K   {K:27453} 4/12/2008
Powerful shot, Nick .! Many beautiful details here, but the light is just magic.! Very well executed to capture the natural light waves, and the raw power! this Image, and the title too..
Have a beautiful weekend.! parehan


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 4/12/2008
Very dramatic lighting against that dark sky, Nick! Very well seen and captured!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/12/2008
Thanks again, Ben!



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/12/2008
Real light does that always, Gustavo! The problem is only how to capture it (and not how to alter it in countless PS light-imitations.)



Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 4/12/2008
Thanks a lot, Aziz!



Arben Mallaki Arben Mallaki   {K:10761} 4/11/2008
Good shot!
Intresting capture!!


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 4/11/2008
Un momento de luz único y muy interesante, le da al resto de la imagen brillos muy agradables.


aZiZ aBc aZiZ aBc   {K:28345} 4/11/2008
like painting, beautiful.




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