Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/25/2008
Thank you very much again, Dave!
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/24/2008
Oops, forgot to say! That overexposed castle is exactly why I keep on searching for some really high(est) dynamics range film. The world has a range of over 50000:1 and my films are best case at about... 300:1. The obligatory mapping to this limited range takes so much of the excitement away. You know, aaaaaaaaaaaarrrgh! OK, I am relaxed now! ;-)
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/24/2008
Hi Andre!
I am so glad that you refer to the details, since this was also one main consideration on these images and up to now nobody seems to really notice. (I should wait some sweet swan on the foreground ;-)) Anyway, I consider these late images of the series to be the most mature on this subject.
It was a lot of work to achieve this since the Tokina 28-70 does allow hyperfocus but in a quite complicated way that includes also using the direct view through the lens at the given aperture. It was a torture to get a good focus of everything and only the fewest shots were OK. After the session my eyes were rolling but it was worth it. I am glad to be stepping slowly into the more problematic realms. It makes me so tired and it also gets on my nerves sometimes but it is a good thing to happen.
Thank you, really, so much for not only "looking".
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/24/2008
Thank you very much Naseer!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/24/2008
I like your composition on this one, Nick! Dave.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 3/23/2008
Hi Nick, I am impressed with the very fine detail in the buildings in the distance. The overexposure doesn't detract too much from the overall quality of the image. Andre
Naseer Fedaee
{K:4956} 3/23/2008