Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 3/25/2008
Grande Pablo, una perfetta e impeccabile proposta per il project, da premiare! Complimenti!!!
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 3/25/2008
Un po di sole per un meritato riposo.
enrico (ventrix)
Iman Fouad
{K:12295} 3/24/2008
After real work,he must feel like that..Amazing relaxing pose and expression with superb composition and light and good choice of b/w..Fav dear Pablo. Regards, Iman
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 3/23/2008
Hello Pablo .. Great light and shadow ...contrast, composition and last but not least ...great catch of the man off of his work - !!! Excellent image my dear !!!!!!!!!!!
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 3/22/2008
ottimo formato e ritratto simpatico con un' ottima luce ciao!
parehan .K
{K:27453} 3/22/2008
Excellent candid capture, dear Pablo.:) Great composition and wongerful contrast... Warm hugs to you and Happy Easter, parehan
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 3/22/2008
A very nice candid capture, dear Pablo.:)
Paul Harris
{K:3208} 3/21/2008
Brilliant environmental portrait Pablo showing the subject's joy to have finished work
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 3/21/2008
Hey Mr Pablo, one can see he enjoys his cigarette and the warmth of the sun. And shot with a great camera by the way! Be well ,
Marian Man
{K:80636} 3/21/2008
this man feels such a great relief!!! maybe because he found the time to smoke!!!!! great composition dear Pablo!!!! fine tones!!!! bravo!!!! Happy Easter my dear friend to yo and your beloved family MArian
Alp Arslan
{K:206} 3/21/2008
Hey, what a nice and natural portrait. I especially like the way he looks at the camera.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/21/2008
Excellent portrait, Pablo! You've conveyed a great feeling of his relaxation and mood. Dave.
1301307 60
{K:44058} 3/21/2008
great composition... very good light and the geometrical shape beside the subject is very attractive.. very good expression and ithink he is getting a rub on the back by the wall.. great street capture Pablo.. of course the tones!! regards..
Tony Hunter
{K:4647} 3/21/2008
Good portrait and good composition. regards
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 3/21/2008
LOL...he is looking so very happy!!Finally the work is over...I like this candid shot!!Very well framed and presentated. I wish you Happy Easter my dear Pablo!! Ciao,Nicki
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 3/21/2008
Quando ho il piacere di vedere una tua fotografia , e mi metto a farti la critica, ho sempre paure di dire cazz.... Allora dico semplicemente : S T U P E N D A .
Arif Ertan Ersoy (aersoy)
{K:27380} 3/21/2008
very nice composition in b&w!! he could not smoke inside and take his smoke outside with a great enjoy!! his expression is great!!! comliments, arif
John Hatz
{K:156973} 3/21/2008
...Happy Easter too my friend!
John Hatz
{K:156973} 3/21/2008
Good frame, it's VERY importante the 'use' of that door into your frame Pablo, even the guy wasn't into that natural 'frame' that made by the door, it's a good composition between the two sides of the photo, very nice, especialy when I thinking of a street snapshot!!!!!! Best regards!
Ugo Rimoldi
{K:6232} 3/21/2008
Bellissima candid Pablo! ottimo scatto.
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 3/21/2008
Bellissima, veramente ha un viso di soddisfazione!!!! Stupendo BW!
Mattia L.
{K:7625} 3/21/2008
Da premio, non aggiungo altro! Complimenti e...Buona Pasqua!
{K:61359} 3/21/2008
I like the way you frame this one Pablo leading to this contrast of textute and greyscale.. with this man in that "game". Excellent work
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 3/21/2008
Well presented moment, love the great composition and mood. Nice play with light/shadow, excellent shot, perfect for work project. Well done dear my friend.
Ciao dear Pablo, Robert
Joao Sousa
{K:1796} 3/20/2008
Great work Pablo! A very convincing pose and a great setting !
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 3/20/2008
My kind of capture, well done.:)
ercole scorza
{K:7985} 3/20/2008
Da giovane facevo impiantistica nei palazzi in costruzione hai colto un momento particolare che comunichi molto bene Bella la gestione della luce eil bianconero ciao
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 3/20/2008
One can feel the weight lifted from his shoulders dear Pablo, and hear him breath the sigh of relief!! An image that tells the story!! Nice tones as always dear friend...I like the inclusion of the door in the composition completing the story...very well done!! :)
Melek Kul
{K:3599} 3/20/2008
very relax mood and excellent capture... regards melek
Galal El Missary
{K:84569} 3/20/2008
Excellent shot , great mood & composition .
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 3/20/2008
Excelente la composición y la luz lateral. Felicitaciones!