{K:70138} 6/4/2008
that is indeed a GREAT friend then !!
absynthius .
{K:20748} 6/4/2008
yes, a very good good friend of mine- many times we dawn our nights talking, arguing- even shouting at each other!! he's great.
thanks, v.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/24/2008
Thanks a lot for your very interesting message, Visar! When I think of it, indeed boredom could be one of the motors of all arts too. And especially those who only "fly so high" and proudly name themselves "artists" because of their "fantasies/feelings" and without the least trace of thinking, could also take the time to think about such things. But oh no, they would remain on the naive views and reject any kind of uncomfortable questioning. Well, it seems that they take arts for their own "poetry album". ;-)
I can get quite poisonous at such flatminders, so let's go further. Yes, things happen. Strange things most of the time. Under the existential point of view we just accept them. We don't "explain" them, we don't wish some kind of "sense" behind all that. We take them as they are. The least sense the happenings might ever have would be the personal impression of any of the many "artists" here. But things that happen never ask us if they should, or why they should happen. And from that door into the merely being we achieve some more provokative views and images too.
Such images simply *are*. They don't need the second hand poetry or anything else for just being. And hierin lies their own kind of poetry. It is real just because it *is*. This is what I am so glad to see in many of your images. They don't "teach" what should be, they don't wish "fantastic paradises". They only say: "Here I am. get comfortable with that!".
Keep it up and continue!
absynthius .
{K:20748} 3/23/2008
anything you say Nick. Existential, i like that! we've been through this, through and through. and we'll go through and through, and yet there'll be always something to say. something,to provoke our curious mind, despite the plainness and obiviousness of what is presented! which, when you bring onto a level of art, it is always taken with such suspect that it cannot be that simple but rather deeper that it appears!! which sometimes makes me ask the question, is art an outcome of our bedlem and bordom? well, could be!! but then, we all have the reason to love things, in front of us, just the way they appear--?!
i shall say that the reaction to that is what provokes me, as i am one of those full of suspect about things that i see and percieve. but never came to believe in my imagination more than what reality proved to show in front of my senses.
thanks for the encouragement Nick, i do highly apprichiate.
cheers, v.
Elle Elle
{K:10958} 3/23/2008
excellent angle, crop and greyscale, best, mahassa
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 3/21/2008
Here you went up to the limit and even further, Visar, and that's what I find so exciting in your photography! You have a good way to discover the new without neglecting the basics.
Another one for the cover of some (hypothetical) record of... Peter Gabriel (in his best times)? The man is looking to.. what? The time is flowing, yet still. And the expression on his face could have been one of interaction or one of concentration. But the target of interaction or concentration is missing. And thus the interpretation of that could as well bring any target into the mind of the spectator. Until all targets vanish, and only the main subject remains, with no questions and no anwers. Again, it is not *what* happens, but rather that it just *happen*!
Existential photography beyond the limits. To which also that fuzzy look and feel under a "suspect" lighting contributes so well!
You're definitely on something, Visar! Go for it your limitless way!
{K:70138} 3/21/2008
:) thanks.. he is your friend ?
absynthius .
{K:20748} 3/20/2008
indeed, ;) - the closest you are Avi; i have many portrait of him, seems like my cam likes him a lot- and in these shots many thought of him looking like Sean Penn, De Niro, and a few other that i cannot recall now... but your Keitel, i think is the closest- especially on this one!
cheers, v.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 3/20/2008
so glad to hear you opinion Gianes, thanks for stopping by,
absynthius .
{K:20748} 3/20/2008
hey Ercole, thanks for dropping by-- just to point out that i did not cut it. I only snapped it while having the cam in my hand, like you do in lomo, as i was talking with him and looking him at the eye. but, honestly, i cannot think i could have done better if i looked through the viewfinder. i am satisfied with the result.
cheers, v.
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 3/19/2008
Interesting portrait, love the tone, the mood, and the POV, excellent work!
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 3/18/2008
Very intimate! Excellent work for me, congratulations my friend. G.
Maja Š
{K:17951} 3/18/2008
frank d
{K:1912} 3/14/2008
i thought it was robert deniro
{K:70138} 3/14/2008
that guy looks a lot like Harvey Keitel.. good shot !!
ercole scorza
{K:7985} 3/14/2008
Very good B & W film from 60 years' Beautiful even cutting ciao
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 3/14/2008
Superb portrait,Visar...7/7 baha
1301307 60
{K:44058} 3/14/2008
good focus and soft approach.. nice framing.. well done Visar.. regards..
Irena - Marta
{K:4875} 3/14/2008
Interesting frame and portrait.