Nelson Lau
{K:232} 7/14/2003
Tilt the image clock-wise 1~2 degree and re-crop. Seems little busy on the left.
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 5/27/2003
Naty Z
{K:16436} 5/25/2003
bellissima! Mi ricorda la quiete che c'è nelle ore più calde... (Missoni? :))))) Potrei proporla per la nuova collezione autunno-inverno! )
{K:1445} 5/23/2003
Que extraordinaria imagen nos regalas Guelfo, realmente muy buena. Gran foto en la cual se explica gráficamente una de las costumbres más arraigadas de nuestra cultura mediterranea. Excelente, un saludo.
Marja Konimaki
{K:178} 5/23/2003
Lovely capture, great light and colors!
Judy Kessler
{K:6316} 5/22/2003
Clear and clean...great lines and detail. well done kind sir! Bravo!
ml D
{K:2787} 5/22/2003
Oui, les lumières de la Méditerranée et son ambiance pleine de vie et de gaîté ! J'adore !
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 5/22/2003
Interesting image !!
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 5/22/2003
questa e` la fase dei bucati! un sacco di bucati postati! e siccome io ho la passione per i bucati, sia vederli che farli sepcialmente quando c,e`una bella brezzolina fresca che te li asciuga tutti profumati, questa ovvio mi piace un casino.
Paolo Quarantelli
{K:4130} 5/22/2003
Una bella composizione ricca di gustosi particolari nostrani. Beautiful image, magister!
pippo giuseppe
{K:16421} 5/22/2003
bellissima come sempre!!Ringraziamenti Maria Grazia
pepita blu
{K:5935} 5/22/2003
ricominciamo con i "non capisco come mai questa foto eccetera eccetera" ? ufffffffffffff.....vabbeh, e chissene...a me questa foto piace, è davvero mediterranea, non solo nella luce, buona definizione, buon taglio, buona composizione, che volere di più? forse un tukanell appollaiato sulla rignhiera? e va beh e allora ditelooooooooooooooooooooo ...............:)))))))))))
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 5/21/2003
La luce di lato é proprio giusta per evidenziare la texture del muro. Ottima
Britt Park
{K:2210} 5/21/2003
I think this a fundamentally sound composition but perhaps a little too busy. The major compositional element is the 'Z' shape made up of the clothes line, hand-rail and bottom flight of stairs, and I like it. I think a composition that placed that strong graphic 'Z' shape at the center of attention would be stronger. Another thing I would suggest is making the verticals in the image perfectly vertical. They are a little cock-eyed. In summary I suggest that you try to reduce the complexity of the composition and emphasize its strongest graphical element. Thanks for posting this.
P.S. One way to reduce complexity is to try B&W. This might be stronger as B&W.
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 5/21/2003
é piena di vita questa foto, Guelfo!
Guelfo Ajello
{K:7519} 5/21/2003
So beautiful that people have different opinions. I usually am very grateful for constructive critics. BTW let me assure you that I am not fishing for return ratings at all. Delighted to reciprocate all the best to you Mr. Vincent K. Tylor.
Branislav Fabijanich
{K:5453} 5/21/2003
Beautiful composition. Very nice work!
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 5/21/2003
Please forgive me here. Yes the lighting is good and sharpness is also, but tell me, what is so beautiful about this image?? Honestly, have I missed something? The power lines and hanging clothes are certainly not appealing to the viewer are they? I respectfully suggest that all who give this high ratings and much praise, recognize that you are not helping the photgrapher any. Please do not take this personally Guelfo. I really just want to help you improve and not get generous ratings in return. In fact, I will not rate this at all.
All the best, Vince
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 5/21/2003
Che bello scorcio! O Guelfo, ma se ripassi da Cecina sentiamoci, che si beve un bicchier di vino insieme!
judy ben joud
{K:4160} 5/21/2003
well seen
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 5/21/2003
marco biancardi
{K:10582} 5/21/2003
Guelfo, ci siamop fatti un viaggetto al sud ?
ottima resa dell'atmosfera solare e, come si suol dire, nice composition - ciao - marco
Günter Koth
{K:13841} 5/21/2003
Nice scene, well composed. Beautiful light. Congratulations.
Maurilio Ultramari
{K:8200} 5/21/2003
bello quotidiano Guelfo!
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 5/21/2003
Excellent compesed,good colors.
Rena Tsiflidou
{K:2606} 5/21/2003
A very beautiful scene...lovely!
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 5/21/2003
Bravo Guelfo....! Une image qui parle, ni trop "clean" , ni trop glacée, tout en étant parfaitement construite...la vie, quoi....:-) Quelle lumière...!(j'ai cru comprendre que tu comprenais le français...Right...?)
donato r.
{K:16361} 5/21/2003
Che bella cosa : na' jurnata 'e sole!...... Bravissimo Guelfo!!!
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 5/21/2003
Ottima rappresentazione,Guelfo!Bella ricca di dettagli!! Ciao Marco.
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 5/21/2003
beautiful light indeed :) Regards
Jorge Jacinto
{K:4372} 5/21/2003
Excellent ***
ileana barigelletti
{K:3571} 5/21/2003
Scorcio di vita quotidiana e casalinga stupendo!! ottimi i colori! Ciao! Ileana.