Al Ungar
{K:4626} 2/20/2008
Thanks !!! Let me know how you like his reviews. Read the top one now on the SB Pier. That's not my shot but the next one is.
kenny lee
{K:261} 2/20/2008
Thanks Al, great websit you have there. I wil give digapixblog a shot.. Thank you.
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 2/20/2008
We are all learning that's why we are here. I assumed you converted it from color to BW, we all do that now days.
Let me give you the site of a professional evaluator. He is a grreat guy. Does evaluations on images from the goodness of his heart. I've learned a buch from him. His evaluations are free and like I said he is a Pro, gets hired to judge images. His web site is :http://www.digapixblog.com/ Tell him I sent you. BTW my web site is www.auphotography.net. I don't really post a lot here, every once in a while like yesterday.
kenny lee
{K:261} 2/19/2008
Looks good buddy, like I mentioned on my previous post. I did want to recrop the bottom portion(pavement/sidewalk or what ever u called).
Look im no better than anyone here, Im just noobie,I just began with dSLR less than a year.
One last thing, the pics above I didnt shot in BnW, I use Lightroom to converted to BnW in RAW format. Thank you.
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 2/19/2008
I guess I'm not afraid of debaiting. Julie is correct in one thing, rules can be broken but only when it adds impact to an image. But I have to disagree on the composition, putting the main subject in the center makes the picture static. The white sidewalk doesn't add one ounce of impact. A bright area will lead the eye away from the main subject. Actually I would crop it a a pano..see attached.
kenny lee
{K:261} 2/19/2008
Thanks for the comments.. I didnt want to start debating, whats right, whats wrong and yada yada :). Since I just join this great community yesterday. Thanks you all!!
Ugo Rimoldi
{K:6232} 2/19/2008
Bellissimo BW, complimenti.
Julie Salles
{K:22654} 2/19/2008
Here you are dear Kenny, welcome to UF. I will have to disagree with Al, the rule of 3rd can be broken and here I feel that it was completely appropriate to capture the mood of the crowd. Great job, excellent in B&W.
kenny lee
{K:261} 2/19/2008
Thanks Al, I wanted to caputer this image in the 1st hand. I shoud crop more of the pavement thou. Thanks for the tips.
Al Ungar
{K:4626} 2/19/2008
Welcome !! Nice image, idea is good, but I would have not put the crowd in the across the center of the image (Rule of Thirds). I would have incorporated the trees above their heads, because the pavement in front is of little interest.
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 2/19/2008
Wonderful B&W. Congratulations!