Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 3/2/2008
Oh I didn't know you were ill Jen, I'm sorry to hear that, and yes, certainly that affects children but often it gives them empathy and compassion, strength, love and a sense of maturity too...it's good that you are cherishing those moments, because yes they are fleeting. I remember when my son (grown) was a baby, and it seems like yesterday, I used to watch him sleep, and the memory is as fresh as yesterday. I'm sure your daughter is always going to treasure these moments with you too dear Jen...nice to talk to you too...I wish you healing and wellness..:))
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 3/2/2008
She still is a sweet girl dear Linda, but I know how the world and friends can change all this just in a minute...I cherish all the moments we have together, she didnt have an easy life with me being ill, but maybe because of that even more easy about the things that brings her...always happy;) Thanks for your sweet comment Linda, be well! xxJen
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 3/2/2008
Let's hope our teenagers will grow up just fine dear Srna:)) In this big, sometimes angry world I would just keep my little baby with me, which can't of course! But I have to say she doesnt give me any trouble yet, very sportive and busy with hockey and her horse. I think that's a great thing for children in stead of staying at the street or in bars...which will start of course as well...:) What can we do??? What about your son David, is he doing well and happy too? If he is like you he should be very fine and sweet, hug Jenxx
Linda Imagefree
{K:72276} 3/2/2008
Oh yes, she is lovely, and smart too, you tell her to stick to horses...no offense guys...nice shot with good tones Jen...:))
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/27/2008
Oh, my dear, I know how do you feel and what is going on in your head and in your heart, my son David is 13th years old (January)... but do not worry so much cause I deeply do believe that they hear us and that they will manage in this angry world ... sometimes I even do wish him not to be like me ... but the most of the time I am sure as now that they learn on pure ideas, thoughts and values fulfilled with love ... your Charlotte has to be fine !!! :)))) It is in her vaines !!! :)))) Warm hug, Srna
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/27/2008
Thank you dearly Srna, it was certainly a precious moment, now she is 15 I start to worrie how her life will be in this big, sometimes angry world.... But I can only give her my ideas, thoughts and values, which I think is very important! She is still very easy, just riding her horse, playing hockey and going to school. I know it might change suddenly:) I just enjoy what she's doing, being a very happy girl! Hug to you, Jenxx
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 2/27/2008
What a gracious and magnificent shot dear Jen, fascinated I am ... marvelous indeed, Charlotte's expression and attitude is priceless and so precious and you caught this so very special moment excellently !!! Late Happy Birthday to Your Princess !!! :)))) 7 +++ Warm hug, Srna
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/24/2008
Hai Har, leuk je weer te zien..:) Dat van het niet snappen van sommige kritieken sloeg dus niet op jou, nogmaals ik kan er zeker wat mee!! Nee, ik kijk natuurlijk ook vaak naar anderen en dan denk ik..jee, is dat nou mooi?? En dan staan er 30 positieve dingen, dat snap ik dan niet...Heb jij dat niet? xxJen
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 2/24/2008
ach, ik zie vooral jouw dochter en jij ziet vooral je dochter en je paard, we dragen allemaal een andere bril.
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/24/2008
Hmmm...you're very kind, thank you dear Keith! It was a special case after all, but you can give some critiques as well, getting used now...loll, hug Jenxx
Keith Growden
{K:29240} 2/24/2008
Excellent Jen. Great composition and looks great in black and white. Hugs xx Keith
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/23/2008
Doet me goed dat je zo eerlijk bent, kost mij ook wel moeite hoor, kritiek:) Wat me wel verbaast is dat ik soms denk, die vind ik zelf prachtig en dan slaatie totaal niet aan, maar dat geldt ook voor foto's die ik hier zie hoor, soms snap ik nikx van de kritieken...:) liefs Jenxx
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 2/23/2008
Er zijn zoveel wegen die goed zijn, blij dat je mijn commentaar goed opneemt, ik kan zelf vaak minder tegen kritiek ...... :( Haal er dat uit wat je kunt gebruiken.
xx Harry
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/23/2008
Dank voor je mening Wolf, ben er juist erg blij mee, soms weet je gewoon dat het anders had gemoeten maar weet je niet precies wat! Het ziet er inderdaad een stuk beter uit in square crop! De stain was met opzet, niet voor hier, maar om de palomino kleur van het paard aan te geven, vond het zelf wel bijzonder:) Dit was 1 van haar eerste officiele wedstrijden, vandaar! Fijn weekend en blijf me pls corrigeren! xxJen
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 2/20/2008
Foto is wat te krap voor dochter en paard, groter croppen voor ruimte om in te ademen. b/w conversie dochter is smetteloos, perfect, toch zie je paard met gele stain, dat is jammer.
Compositie is goed maar er zijn 2 hoofditems. Ik zou een square crop maken van je dochter, crop een beetje halverwege haar pet en andere kant net onder haar linkerhand. Dan zie je de ogen van paard en berijdster , als team.
Dit was mijn eerlijke mening.
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/20/2008
Merci...grazie...gracias...en dat woont óók in Grunn..of bedoelde je het horse:)En how vind je de foto trouwens, eerlijk?? xxJen
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 2/20/2008
Gefeliciteerd nog ! Lijkt me een aardige jongedame :-)
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/17/2008
Thanks a lot Saeed, she had a lovely day! Took her and some girlfriends for a fotoshoot, very different! She had a happy day, and so did I:) Jen
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 2/17/2008
Nice to see your daughter on her birthday,, a lovely capture. Happy Birthday Charlotte :) Saeed
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 2/17/2008
Thanks Charles, its really still sweet 15, which might chance soon enough..loll But horseriding is her life, so I honered her with putting this here, xxJen
Charles Senescall
{K:1389} 2/17/2008
Very nicley composed horse and rider shot. I think it works very well in black and whote. Happy birthday to your daughter, she has a great image to remember it with!