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Guitar 5, from photo VH-5
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Image Title:  Guitar 5, from photo VH-5
Favorites: 0 
 By: Nick Karagiaouroglou  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Nick Karagiaouroglou  Nick Karagiaouroglou {Karma:127263}
Project N/A Camera Model PS work - T90 for the guitar cover
Categories Photoart
Film Format 24x36
Portfolio Lens PS work, Tokina RMC 28-70mm 1:3.5-4.5 for the guitar body
Uploaded 2/12/2008 Film / Memory Type PS work, Kodak 200 for the guitar body
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 326 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 4 Rating
/ 0 Ratings
Location City -  Hergiswil
State - 
Country - Switzerland   Switzerland
About It seems to fit well on the guitar face. I'd be glad for any comments.
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There are 4 Comments in 1 Pages
Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/15/2008
Thank you so much for the help, Gustavo! I really appreciate this! But please also tell me what exactly and how exactly you do it, or else I can't improve.

As for the photo, well, just take one of those I posted. I don't have any others and I don't have the original image anymore. Actually I didn't even shoot the original image of the guitar. I just took it from the web some years ago, and they allowed me to use ir for such guitar designs. But you could perhaps cut one from my images and tell me how you did that? Only if you really have the time and the will of course. I would be very glad and grateful to you.

As about arts... Art without vision is simply coincidence. This is exactly what separates the work of an artist from the work of a wannabe. This is exactly what mades the works of somebody like for example Pollock to works of Art and not anything else like pseudo-aesthetics and the like. Only amateurs would believe the latter. If he had no vision that he turned into reality by his works, then the works would be exactly as artistic as the resyult of some accident in a fabrich that produces colors!

No arts without vision - this is one of the most important fundaments of the very essence of arts. I am really stunned that it can be overlooked this way. It's what one has to learn in the very very start of studying arts at any highschool and any university. Even abstract is way not just sit and play around and see what happens. The play around is for getting more and more knowledge about used techiques, means, tools, and the like, but in order to gather the knowledge for how to produce what the vision has already produced in mind!




Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/14/2008
ahhh, qué alegría me da ver tu trabajo!, efectivamente aún te falta un buen manejo del photoshop, pero usted bien lo dijo, el arte no es solo fruto de la inspiración sino además de un concocimientos de las técnicas y del duro trabajo que siempre es necesario para lograr una buena calidad. Yo sin embargo creo también el azar, el caos y la suerte, en el arte más como algo que uno busca incluso sin saber a priori lo que se busca y que se encuentra a veces luego de un azaroso camino. Yo soy un buscador de fotos, difícilmente las imagine antes de sacarlas, las veo en el mismo momento que las tomo, incluso a veces después..:-) se si me explico bien sobre este punto, pero bueno espero me entiendas.

Nick, en mi perfil está mi mail (, y en otra cosa que creo es en el trabajo en equipo. Me gustaría que me envíes una de tus guitarras, las más rara que tengas, yo te hago el recorte y le aporto mi estilo y vemos que sale en conjunto, te parece?

Me quedo a la espera!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/14/2008
Thanks a lot again for the nice comment and the idea, Gustavo!

I tried to select the guitar only for placing it on a white background. But it is a hard thing to do exactly as it has to be done, since the transitions from the guitar to the floor are not really sudden cuts. There are shadows, there are all those gradual transitions that we find at each and every contour. So, if I take those transition regions in the selection too, then putting the guitar over a white background simply looks awful at the contours. I don't know exactly for example how to keep all the small shadows but give them another coloring than the darker color of the real floor that they already have. As I told you it's way not a trivial problem here. (And such problems should be more important to us than smudging around ;-))

The other possibility would be to extract the guitar as exactly as possible and cache its false contours behind a color transition as a background and heavy usage of filters and many layers, etc. This camouflages the important thing behind "creative work". I did that too, and I put both results as an attachment here.

The first one, your idea, would be very good if I had the necessary PS skills. It needs much more than what I can do for the time being, but it is the right way to go. The second is just... "creative mess" - nothing important for real good photography. It may look nice but it is not a photo of a real object. It is perhaps a drawing or something like a design sketch.

Cheers and thanks again,



My try on Gustavo's suggestion, and another "creative" variation the way the photoshopographers "work" ;-)

Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 2/13/2008
Aquí las bandas rojas quedan perfectas dentro de la forma de la guitarra, muy buena la composición. Sigo pensando que me gustaría una versión de la guitarra recortada y flotando sobre un fondo blanco...:-)

Un abrazo!




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