Yes, the timing was OK here. Still I have some problems with all these 6 images of him, of which I already told you about. Something I miss here, but I don't know exactly what.
I think you referred to the real situation more than you referred to the image of the situation. If so, then what about the image itself? A kid and flowers may be as sweet as they wish, but the image has to capture that exactly, and here I have some hesitations about it like for example exposure and details/DoF. So, what do you think?
Hi Louis, and many thanks for the comment, about which you don't need any extra reference to honesty, since this is how it should be always. It should be the normal case, and so we don't need to emphasize on this as if it were anything special. So, please be as direct and as sincere all the time - for which I thank you very much.
For myself I don't find these 4 images of any "striking importance" - it's just a kid, and sometimes a snapshot has to be, just as more thoughtful takes have to be too. It's finding the way between the trivial capture of everyday and the more sophisticated capture - avoiding to get too banal and also avoiding to get too "extravagant", the latter in the sense of the steady wish for "creative images" made by the many too many who think of themselves as some kind of naturally born masters of arts ;-)
So, from that point of view, one has to also practice the everyday, the real available world, which includes such images like these here. Again, I also don't find them to be any "materpieces" at all, and so I'd be very glad if you would also proceed on critiques and tell us what their problems are - analytically and detailed. What *are* their problems? Is it exposure, is it lighting, is it composition, is it low details, etc, etc. Else we are only telling that we don't like them, which is absolutely OK, but which doesn't meet any criteria of a critique, and thus doesn't tell anything about what to avoid, what to enhance, and so on. A great example for a negative but very mature comment would be that by AJ Miller ( ) on my image .
You see, if it doesn't cause any interaction but simply states sincere liking or disliking, then it can be as honest as it takes, but it has no effect, no influence, nothing for further thoughts - we simply declare then our gusto and that's all. So, perhaps you take the time to devastate my images - but do that detailed, analytically, systematically, without so much emphasis on my "talent, and criteria" - that is, devastate them reasonably and with care! ;-)
Dear Friend Nick i go to see the images because they were signed by you, an affectionate and value friend, but sincerely I can't comment the quality and the message, because I think that they are really FAR...very FAR from you and your talent, your criteria and ideas... of course any doubt about your object ...but...for me no comments...I'm HONEST always...A big hug and warm regards.- LUIS