Elle Elle
{K:10958} 12/22/2007
dear Pablo, you have captured the exact moment here, the combination of the WARM colors and light over the house behind the woman, with the COLD colors and light over the house in the foreground gives me the feeling of the sunset time, i like very much the surprised and at the same time curious expression on the woman's face, nice job, best, mahassa
parehan .K
{K:27453} 12/20/2007
Great timing on this street shot, Pablo! warm regards, parehan
Robert Chin
{K:22282} 12/20/2007
LOL!!! She is hiding from you Pablo but like a true pro you got your shot. Take care Robbie
John Hatz
{K:156973} 12/20/2007
It's a very nice snapshot...haha... I bet she thinking if you shot her or something else...lol... nice rich frame, great difference of lighting with the back buildings!!!
Yoshiyuki Tanaka
{K:13580} 12/19/2007
"Curiosity kills!"...doesn't she know it?!Great street capture! YT
Paul Harris
{K:3208} 12/19/2007
What a brilliant image Pablo
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 12/19/2007
Great title Pablo!Great candid shot of a woman who is very curious about something..LOL!!! In every country the same thing:))) My very best to you...Nicki(Vicki )
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 12/19/2007
Oh,I know that watcher from my old neighborhood :-)!!! Great one dear Pablito !!:-) i abbraccio biljana
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 12/19/2007
Presa! Quando ho letto il titolo credo fosse riferito ai problemi del sito... ma si sono perse delle foto?
Gianes Ma
{K:26069} 12/19/2007
Foto vera e viva! ...motlto henry. Micidiale quella sua espressione tra il curioso e il minaccioso... perfetta e caratteristica l'ambientazione. Complimenti. G.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 12/19/2007
very nice capture. It reminds me much of the women at my neighbourhood peeping through the cracked walls or lifting up curtains and looking at my yard, curious of what is happening-- usually when i was drunk and singing or dancing (ifi fact trying to dance), regards Pablo, V.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 12/19/2007
Too funny, dear Pablo...great catch!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/19/2007
Great timing on this street shot, Pablo! You've caught her perfectly! Dave.
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 12/19/2007
Great shot, beautiful street photography! Dirk.
Joao Sousa
{K:1796} 12/18/2007
Great shot, great colours and nice pose!
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 12/18/2007
You managed to capture the somehowe depressing subject in a very positive way! Photography is the best way for explaining this!
Un saluto,
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 12/18/2007
very cool. great.
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 12/18/2007
Very fine catch of Her curiosity dear Pablo ! Kiss Srna
Martina Riolo
{K:7048} 12/18/2007
Beccata!!! :-) molto carina l'espressione della donna, interessante questo angolino di paese ... dov'eri??
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 12/18/2007
Excelente equilibrio de luces, una imagen con una dosis de misterio Estupenda captura Pablo! Felicitaciones!
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 12/18/2007
Great title .. this person appears to be hiding or spying -ha!! Very intersting image dear Pablo !! Excellent capture !
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/18/2007
Lograda toma, muy natural y espontánea. Buenos los colores y la luz. Bravo!