Another one of the few images for which I used a flashlight. This time it seems that the light difference between the foreground and the background generated some depth. I would be very glad to read some comments about how to make this one better since the composition seems to be unfinished business.
Oh no, please, come on now Visar! I am definitely not any guru with that "knowledge" about photography. I just write down what I think, and that's all. And so I am especially grateful for such comments like yours, that do help me in matters of photography, and also in matters of thinking in general.
I indeed can follow your thoughts, as they reveal many things to me, that are hard to achieve under my point of view. And my point of view doesn't deal with "mysteries" or any kind of "mythology". So this turns then to be very uncomfortable as it flows into the question: How to achieve the special by using the common?
Your ideas gave me some more orientation about that, and for this I am very very grateful. So, I'll really have to try out something similar but under a long exposure and without the flashlight, I guess.
Dear Nick, writing a comment to you makes me feel uneasy having all your comments in regards- i mean your knowledge of photography! However, i shall try here put a few words. I do agree when you say that the light has created some depth between the foreground and background, some sort of contrast. I personally do not want to take this into consideration. You obviously can manage that easily, if there's nothing at least beautiful, without going further into the idea or whatever else about the image- then where's its importance!? Here i see the white pops bright, the colour of leaves is preserved... and then we go into a dark abyss of the canvas, and all remains for me is the composition wich is no more than a formal- on this collection of leaves there's no mystery, and obviously do not conceal much more than it shows; and it does not finally break into some wild fantasy- because we all agree that it is light that shapes things, i would personally take a lighter, or some sort of light light to at least create some highlights and shadows, and long expo and see what might come up, regards, V.