Sandra Berry
{K:8352} 12/10/2007
Hi Paul, Nice to here from you, I found you on the digital Cafe sight, sorry you have left this sight, but i shall watch your posts at the cafe, I hope your move went well, wishing you and your family, the magic of this meaningful season throught out the year, your friend, sandra
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 12/10/2007
Your more than welcome Sandra.....I think you for your beautiful work which I have always loved. You do a wonderful wonderful job with IR! How did you see the cardnial photo? I was wondering......or was it here before I deleted? I wish you and your family a most joyfull and meaningful holiday!
God Bless you.
Your friend and fell photographers......
Sandra Berry
{K:8352} 12/10/2007
Thank you my Friend, your comments are always appreciated, best wishes to you on your new sight, love that cardinal at suppertime shot, the effect on the seed holder is excellent as well as the detail on the bird, Take good care, Sandra
metoni .
{K:24727} 12/4/2007
great done
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 12/4/2007
Very nicely composed, Sandra! I like the way the path leads us right into the image. Great IR tones, as well. Dave.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 12/3/2007
LoL Luis.....
I like this one too Sandra. Love the pathway how it really stands out in this shot and really becomes a visual tool for this lovely viersion of IR. Great tones and composition. Very well seen and shot my friend! Congrats! 7/7's
luis pereira
{K:26013} 12/3/2007
I'm not a big fan of infrared but how can one not like this? I've been converted.