Rupam Das
{K:492} 11/22/2007
Dear Hussam,
Thanks a lot for your comment and rating and your time to see my images.
Regards, Rupam :)
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 11/22/2007
Beautiful brilliant color and light. All the best 7/7
Rupam Das
{K:492} 11/22/2007
Dear Oscar,
Thanks for your comment.
Regards, Rupam :)
Rupam Das
{K:492} 11/22/2007
Dear Shirley,
Thanks for your comment. I appreciate that. I'll post the B&W version soon.
Regards, Rupam
Rupam Das
{K:492} 11/22/2007
Dear Mehul,
That's right. Nature does everything, we just capture nature's moods :) Thanks for ur comments. I have been seeing your work, you use colours to maximum in your images.
Regards, Rupam :)
Oscar E. Flores H.
{K:7850} 11/22/2007
Buen disparo y colorido. felicitaciones
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174163} 11/22/2007
Very nice. Bet it would be great in B&W, too.:)
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 11/21/2007
Hi Rupam,
Nice design by nature 7+++++++++++++++++