sascha jonack
{K:19715} 12/8/2007
Schön eingefangen Anna. Klasse Licht und genau im richtigen Moment abgedrückt. Mein Kompliment. Sascha
Anna Schulz
{K:1186} 11/15/2007
Thank you Andrzej...
Anna Schulz
{K:1186} 11/15/2007
Hi John, thank you so much for this very kind, huge and honest comment. thanks for commenting the water color, i really ike how it came out. Anna
Anna Schulz
{K:1186} 11/15/2007
Vielen Dank Winfried für den tollen Kommentar. Anna
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 11/15/2007
nice dynamic capture and great lighting. NJ
John Hatz
{K:156973} 11/15/2007
Into my favorites... first of all...backlight support, that makes the human (and that object at the top corner) looks like silhouettes something nice for me (sorry for not known the word about that...thing...) Secondly the backlight makes the wave looks GREAT! the color is beautiful ...that oily green I mean into the colorless image because of the lighting conditions... 3ed, the sharpness...really you STOP THE TIME here... no motion blur, nothing, all looks like ice!!!! All togather with an excellent frame makes a fantastic image...pro job!
win. ka
{K:3288} 11/14/2007
sorry, habe die 7++++ vergessen! ;)
win. ka
{K:3288} 11/14/2007
eine actiongeladene aufnahme, intensive stimmung ! sehr gut !
lg, winfried ;)