Hugh G Rection
{K:2} 5/19/2003
Beautiful shapes
Dana James
{K:191} 5/19/2003
Andrew, no that's not me! We don't know who she was but she had a great way of interacting...
Andrew Lahanas
{K:7062} 5/17/2003
I love this photo. Isn't that Dana? It looks like her. I love the lighting and the texture of stone in this room. A nice moment too.
Marios Yiatzidis
{K:2243} 5/17/2003
Amazing photo Darrin, splendid lighting and great composition. Bravo!!!
Anna Pagnacco
{K:7448} 5/16/2003
Great capture! Anna
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 5/16/2003
Very beautiful Darrin.... excellent
Marco Brivio
{K:14339} 5/16/2003
Outstanding Darrin. This shot is worth a prize in a photo contest
Subha Pindiproli
{K:10108} 5/16/2003
very interesting angle of shoot.. using the brighter side as the backdrop.. your picture has more of a poetic appeal. Viewing your pictures of Cambodia.. and the temple ruins.. reminds me of 'apocalypse now' ..
Jarek Lukaszewicz
{K:138} 5/16/2003
Charmful situation. Well taken. I like this kind of story.
But, (a very litle "but") I can see the "echo of mask" from PS :(
{K:16195} 5/16/2003
Excellent work as alwasy.
Lorenzo Lessi
{K:6589} 5/16/2003
Great moment and light, Darrin! Anyway i think there are some disturbing tinghs in the foreground: a bit of overexposed areas and some dust that could be removed...
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 5/16/2003
excellent, so emotive
Stuart Boyle
{K:1505} 5/16/2003
Great idea and composition, the story behind the title is interesting and induces thought on the subject matter. The lighting works really well and the clarity is excellent. Regards?
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 5/16/2003
Hihi... this is so sweet! A lovely composition, great silhouettes!
- simos -
{K:9354} 5/16/2003
Excellent shot... great backlight regards, simo
{K:32791} 5/16/2003
a smile is always worth it...!!
Darrin James
{K:3944} 5/16/2003
Andy, I have no idea who the girl is! So unfortunately, haven't seen the photo.
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 5/16/2003
Excellent work Darrin. A silhouette was the right way to go here. It does a great job to convey the charm of this little scene. How did the kid's picture turn out? I hope you have this one hanging on a wall in your home. Its wonderful.
Guy Dube
{K:6932} 5/16/2003
Superb, we can see all the details, it's very clear, Bravo
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 5/16/2003
bellissima! Molto intima e dolce