Thanks for your detailed critique. Maybe your right about the sign, but in a way I like it too because it follows the upper line of the building. I can also understand your comment about how the gray adds to the dilapidated state, but the thing is this building is actualy brand new, they're still in buildingproces. So I liked that it allready looks dilapidated (also because of the gray clouds), even before it is finished and put up for sale. Maybe I'll go back there when it's less cloudy to see how it looks then.
Interesting shot, but it seems as though some things could be improved upon. First off, the sign that's blocking off part of the building interferes a little bit. Also, I would like to see what this building looks like on a day with a few less clouds. While the gray adds a little to the dilapidated state, I think nice weather would add good contrast. In addition, the extra light may have allowed for more detail to be captured.