{K:5595} 3/19/2005
meravigliosa e splendida. massimo
Selina White
{K:928} 2/11/2004
Great shot - very moody !!
Regards, Selina
Dusan Zutinic
{K:2847} 1/20/2004
Very expressive, I like the composition, but you could be a little bit closer to rocks, 'cause of details and shadows (my opinion). Regards.
{K:8657} 1/7/2004
my kind of photo all your stuff is class
Pascal Renoux
{K:4077} 11/13/2003
Excellent !!!
Rolf Rock
{K:2964} 9/16/2003
Hi Steve, it is a wonderful shut, a nice landscape , wonderful work in b/w and a super composition. Fore my viewing is also a good example is a valuable picture for education. You must know i am a teacher :-)).
However it is nevertheless an excellent picture, congratulation greetings from Rolf Rock (rolfrock@slovanet.sk) If you have a possibility please visite my page again for my newest pictures. Thanks !!!
Morsi Hussein
{K:1128} 9/12/2003
Fantastic shot!! Brilliant tones and interesting composition!! Definitely something to behold! brgds Morsi
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 8/23/2003
Love it,wy no more photo's.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 8/11/2003
marvelous scene.
Rui Leitão
{K:6321} 6/10/2003
Very dramatic and beautiful picture. Best regards Steve!
Reynaldo Guimaraes
{K:2422} 5/28/2003
Very beautiful.
keon kim
{K:816} 5/5/2003
hey nice picture you got there. i really like it.
zosia zija
{K:11106} 4/29/2003
jacek qnicki
{K:543} 4/26/2003
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 4/18/2003
Ameet Mallapur
{K:1575} 4/11/2003
oh my god!!!!!wow!!! ( ...im off to take some pictures now!!!!!!:)
Rob Holschbach
{K:2748} 8/25/2002
Excellent photo. This is the kind of photo I'm working towards producing. Nice rich texture. FYI: Changed my name on here also to avoid confusion :{
Toni Martin
{K:5092} 4/8/2002
Congrats, Steve! Good shot! Makes me want to go for a walk.
michaelle .
{K:3807} 4/3/2002
Beautiful! Dark wonderful textures... my kind of picture :) Congratulations, EC very well deserved.
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 4/1/2002
Patrick, don't forget we are dealing with Kiev here... As unpredictible as they can be:)))
John Doe
{K:155} 4/1/2002
Hi Steve - sorry I didn't communicate effectively. When commenting I understood the image was "altered" (maybe manipulated is better) and, like Sai, think the manipulation is brilliant. I was trying to say the sharpness of the horizon seems a tad inconsistent with the image's depth of field. I made a split screen to illustrate my (possibly worthless) opinion. Bottom line ... I absolutely love the image!!

Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 4/1/2002
Yes, the image has been "altered" as you put it and I stated that above.
I darkened the sky and the water separately since they are at different levels in the original negative. I dodged and burned various areas to achieve the desired mood.
John Doe
{K:155} 4/1/2002
Great shot Steve! Very moody and intriguing. The tack sharp horizon is a tad distracting for me. Seems to reveal the image has been altered. Softening it to be consistent with the depth of field would make it a 10+ - just my opinion. Nice work!
. .
{K:2743} 4/1/2002
"LOL.. who would of thought that of all your photos a pile of rocks would get Editor's Choice :).. hehe"
most probably everyone but you alisa, this really is a brilliant image and probably the steves best work yet too.. i was sitting on those rocks at about 3:00pm, nearly around the same time the picture was taken and i got confused into thinking it was a moonlit picture..
and thats what makes this image so brilliant..., it has been rendered so much tone and mood, when ordinarily it looked nothing like that..
and with this image you can notice that steve has reached another level in photography, if i may say so..
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 3/31/2002
I am amazed that this camera can produce such good images. I own one of them myself and one photo many of my friends consider as my best so far was taken with Kiev 88:) Congrats on well deserved ECP!
Eric Goldwasser
{K:4294} 3/31/2002
Steve, this is an amazing shot! Don't know what else to say really... Congrats!
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 3/31/2002
Congratulations Steve!!!
This is outright beautiful :-) Great capture. I love everything about this.
Steve Kompier
{K:4629} 3/31/2002
Thanks for the comments.
Mike, this was inspired by the work of Rolfe Horn and dodged and burned and you noted. This is a daylight shot and was darkened to add the mood.
Mike Allebach
{K:391} 3/30/2002
Excellent black and white, it invokes the emotion. Did you dodge & burn or was it printed straight? Either way great job.
. .
{K:2743} 3/30/2002
Beauty! Steve...the rocks are entirely..moonlit? amazin
Terrence Kent
{K:7023} 3/30/2002
Expressive rendition i dare say, excellent. Bold stuff steve, indeed.
David Chang-Sang
{K:680} 3/30/2002
Hmm.. I can't remember if I've added you to my "I hate you" list yet :)
I think I'm going to call the group "The California Four" (you, James, Sai and Alisa)... I guess the name will change as more of you wacky west coasters, who seem to have all the photography skills, get added. :)
Nice shot. Dark and moody. I love stuff like this, reflects my inner self.... umm... wait a second..
Cheers, Dave
Joseph Rushmore
{K:240} 3/30/2002
this shot is really great, i like how its black on the horizon and gets lighter the higher up you go, i also enjoy how youve been sort of centering your subjects lately in your shots, it adds a unique style to the photo, by the way did you use a filter on this one, good job..........................joe