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Image Title:  Camoflauge
Favorites: 2 
 By: Paul Lara  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Paul Lara  Paul Lara {Karma:88111}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon EOS 20D
Categories Fashion
Film Format Digital JPEG High
Portfolio Fashion
Lens Canon 17-85 IS Zoom @ 38mm
Uploaded 10/12/2007 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 859 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 23 Rating
/ 9 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - UF Old Timers   UF Old Timers
About I don't know if you can see her, but she's a lot of fun to shoot with!
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There are 23 Comments in 1 Pages
Saikat (Boney) Das Saikat (Boney) Das   {K:2493} 8/22/2008
so craetive.. love this


Olga Vareli Olga Vareli   {K:22477} 7/24/2008
I cannot see anything!hahaha!


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 1/5/2008
yes! it can Paul, ok, it's a bit heavy but Canon 20D can easily gives the speed you need on the shouter and the ISO to get good shots even without the help of strong sunlight, ok, not for night shots but believe me, it worths it's price, after that I use the Sigma 2X converter and with the 1.6X at the frame of 20D you can get 1600mm and believe me, these are the cheepest 1600mm we can have...the second is far...far away...
PLUS element that when you have that lens on your camera and you want to shot something not too far, you have the 50mm to do that, not need to change lens... if you put a tripod... you can use that lens even to the stadium to take photos from faces that they are 100 meters away from you!!!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 1/5/2008
OMG! YOU have the 50 to 500??
I was amazed when I saw that online the other day.

Can it be hand held?


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 1/5/2008
well... these photos are for awards Paul, excellent jobs...
Sigma lenses are very nice, except one, all my lenses are Sigma, 28-300, 150 macro, 55-200, 50-500 and the 2x converter, all togather in the price of... only one Canon lens lol...


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 1/5/2008
LOL! I'm semi-pro, John.
I have a full-time job with the coolest company on the planet, NewTek, but all my photo gear has been purchased with money I've earned from paid jobs or won. (My 20D + 2 lenses were purchased after I was awarded a $4,000 prize from a photo contest.)

In FACT...I'm awaiting arrival of my new portrait lens - Sigma 28-70 f/2.8 and a battery pack so I can take these strobes out on location with me to have greater light control.


John Hatz John Hatz   {K:156973} 1/5/2008
Amazing! the colors, the idea of hand-prints, that gives lot of meanning for me, like we cannot touch...or can we? it's amazing, it's unique and so original portrait, and that uniqueness makes your work very special here Paul... are you pro?


Subran Cornel   {K:336} 12/28/2007
interesting idea


H L H L   {K:11377} 10/26/2007
Great!!!! Very creative presentation! Not much in to her expression! Excellent body!


Steven Hackett   {K:1692} 10/17/2007
cute girl!, I think I saw her


Dino F Dino F   {K:627} 10/17/2007
for me this is an interesting idea...great


reza goudarzi reza goudarzi   {K:7097} 10/16/2007
great fashion shot dear paul...thx for sharing+++7


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 10/13/2007
Thanks, Jan!
I'm gonna try brightening the wall to the level of her undies, trying to leave just her and hands. :0


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 10/13/2007
Great shot, Paul -- innovative and splashy colors along with the pose make it very catchy. If I took a photo like this at my office they would take me out in handcuffs!
--Best to you, Jan
PS -- Love the black dress series -- very clever idea to raise money for charity. Well done & bravo!


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 10/13/2007
Thanks, Nessa.
This is a wall at my office, and I'd been wanting to shoot themes on this idea for years. I'm really glad I chose to try it first with Brittany.


vanessa shakesheff vanessa shakesheff   {K:68840} 10/13/2007
Great the composition and colours..nessa


Dani Kimel Dani Kimel   {K:801} 10/13/2007
Great idea!


Glinda Shipley Glinda Shipley   {K:-833} 10/12/2007
Very clever.


Lucas L   {K:12145} 10/12/2007
I love this one,
I am a big fan of colorful moments!


RC. Dany RC. Dany   {K:64104} 10/12/2007
bellima modelo y estupendo trabajo.
besos anne...


PIERRE THOMAS karkau   {K:2031} 10/12/2007


Sophie King Sophie King   {K:3250} 10/12/2007
Wow that is so creative! Nice shot and a great model. well done


Phil Cassell Phil Cassell   {K:1054} 10/12/2007
You beat me to it...and I had the same title picked out!! Nice shot!




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