Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 10/7/2007
Actually clive I like what you've done there... nice work, it looks good levels up too Roger, something so nice about that procession of poles. I think the sense of wonder Roger has ellicited in you is exactly his intent. Personally I like to stay with that sense.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 10/7/2007
Hey you know what. I never even thought about that adding some grain.. could lift the atmospherics a bit eh.. will wait till I get home and have a crack at it. Still on the road in Crete off to Dubai this afeternoon for three days then home and will add some grain and see what it looks like. I was thinking of printing it on a matte paper to enhance the mood and some grain might work. But you know me low ISO boy from way back maximum DOF all that kind of stuff kekeke
Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 10/7/2007
I totally disagree with Clive about this photo.. I guess a good image isn't always one that's exposed well ... if that was the case and this photo was correctly exposed it wouldn't have been such a good shot as it's composition could have been a whole lot better ... what makes this photo a nice one for me is the underexposure.. the very low contrast .. the fact that it can't be recognised that easily so one has to stare at it for some time.. Although I would suggest using a higher ISO so you have some grains.. Grains add a whole lot to these kinds of shots.. espesially when they are in B/W .. anyways .. good work Roger.. Regards, aLi
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 10/6/2007
Why, Oh why post an image that is in dire need of some post processing? It could be adjusted to a much better image that at least can be recognised.
 adjusted with levels only |