absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/29/2007
Cheers Robin, regards, V.
Robin England
{K:282} 9/29/2007
Brilliant composition and great tones in this work Visar! Beautiful! Robin
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/20/2007
cheers Biljana, you have a wonderful portofolio, many warm regards, V.
biljana mitrovic
{K:48110} 9/20/2007
....yes you are right in your about ,but fog gives so many opportunity for wonderful pictures as you saw in your own example:)
great image!! biljana
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/17/2007
I am glad to receive a critique from you, your portofolio is amazing! many kind regards, V.
PK- Photos
{K:13099} 9/16/2007
special mood...and important message
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/14/2007
thanky, V.
Burim Luta
{K:5255} 9/14/2007
John Carpenter "The Fog".
Great shot Visar, you done it again mate.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/12/2007
thanks Megan, V.
Megan Johnson
{K:1422} 9/12/2007
I love how the path leads you through the photo into the eerie white fog. Great shot.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/12/2007
thanks Yazeed, V.
M jalili
{K:69009} 9/12/2007
Beutiful composition . Nice color tone .........
Edlira Voges
{K:6410} 9/11/2007
Visar, te kuptoj mese mire, kam jetuar ne kosove, prishtine, gati 5 vjet.Ku ku (sic thoni ju nga ato ane ..lol..) rryma ishte nje problem i madh. nuk e di nqs vazhdon te jete! Sa per global warming,eshte shume alarmuese, edhe ne shqiperi eshte e njejta situate. Shpresoj dhe une per nje mrekulli! cheer E.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/11/2007
Po Germia. Ka qene dite me mjegull dhe msusi (Burimi) pat organizuar nje tour per fotografi me ne atehere. E nese te kujtohet Obiliqi (meqe nuk di se a ke jetu ne Kosove) na myti krejt me tymin e e shumte per rryme shume te pakte (3 ore rryme, 3 terr)... tmerr. Po tema te cilen koheve te fundit me provokon eshte global warming, pollution, constructions everywhere tu e na mbulu qiellin e na e nxan frymen, ne cdo menyre. keq boll, po ndoshta i bie nder mend dikujt e te bej dicka ne lidhje me kete! pershendetje, V.
Edlira Voges
{K:6410} 9/11/2007
Germia? me pelqien shume , Visar,the mood is really great & the message comes across. good job pershendetje E.
absynthius .
{K:20748} 9/11/2007
thank you marcelo, many warm regards, V.
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 9/11/2007
Una gran foto y un gran tributo, NO A LA POLUCIÓN AMBIENTAL!!!Bravo.M.