And nice lighting you have, too! I'm going to have to pay attention to what you are talking about "sculpting" but I assume it is with studio light. In any event, I love how this fades to darkness.... yet, the table lights stand out with great light.
#1 Would have liked to see a bigger DOF drop off (bad boy once again, I see that F-stop setting - 11 !?!?!) so those pool hall lights were not so sharp - they slightly distract...
#2 Would have like to see her right hand on the pool table edge, more behind the dress - less noticable
#3 on the upside, I dig her expression and contact with the camera - very strong. good job !!
#4 Don't EXACTLY know why she's lifting up her dress but go for it, no problemo from this end.... In fact, if she had done it to the extreme, we could have had a kinda of "Paul Lara meets Helmet Newton" shot - that would be interesting......
An Attractive, sexy model, I would do more shooting with this one 4 sure - One of your top 3, I give it a 7, Mark