Kristyna Mojescikova
{K:555} 12/1/2004
Very good pic. From life... That's the style I like it.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 1/10/2004
fantastic one!!! if you have the time ... look here: http://www.usefilm.com/image/188021.html my nuns shot!
Alius Vetus
{K:1795} 5/20/2003
When I see photos like these and photographers like you, I take conscience that is worthy all the time I spent on-line. I'm so pleased for noticing that the pics in this Site's galleries aren't only "Sunsets" and "Take a look to my cute children". Thank you Paolo. Best regards.
andrea ruggeri
{K:-110} 5/19/2003
molto bella, un tuo classico avvistamento metropolitano. il contrasto è perfetto ed è determinante per la carica evocativa della foto. forse, ma proprio forse, potevi cercare di sfruttare maggiormente le geometrie delle rotaie. peraltro il percorso interno ad esse che le suore seguono può anche avere una significato metaforico...
Laura Mclean
{K:-9} 5/17/2003
I think that I would have liked to have more highlight in the nun's white area of their clothes and see more of their face. It's just the angle, overall a good distance shot from above.
David Goldfarb
{K:7611} 5/16/2003
The idea is good, but the contrast range here is really too high. The tonal value of the nuns faces is too close to the dark tone of the habit, and the detail is almost lost there. If you used film for this image, I would say that the habits and faces were all compressed in the toe of the film's characteristic curve, and the highlights off the stone were all crunched into the shoulder, and you haven't made use of the part of the curve where you can get good tonal separation.
There are a few solutions. It's hard to offer technical advice, because you haven't provided any technical information, so these are hypothetical. You could dodge the faces a bit to bring them up at the printing stage. In the original situation, you might have used a polarizer to bring down the reflection off the stone, so that you could print the whole image a bit lighter, expanding the shadow detail.
andrea vlacos
{K:417} 5/13/2003
è un foto bellissima. cercando il pelo dell'uovo: mi piacciono poco le strisce pedonali sbiadite e soprattutto quella a dx. un particolare irrilevante! ciao, andrea v.
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 5/12/2003
Ciao Paolo, piacere mio di incontrarti... Bel BW...
José Eduardo Cruz
{K:13180} 5/11/2003
Marília Ferraz
{K:-4756} 5/11/2003
Ciao Paolo, another magic from your lens. Great angle and work with light/shadows. What I like most is the sun on her veils. Molto bella, Marilia
Filipe Palha
{K:5432} 5/11/2003
aah the light... just love!
Aiman Nassar
{K:11961} 5/11/2003
Beautiful tones, contrast, composition, lighting, shade... every thing... great work Paolo...
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 5/11/2003
Great composition, but overall too underexposed on the persons .. regards, Peter
SuperMario Car
{K:47} 5/11/2003
Bello scatto, ed interessante la scelta dei contrasti così marcati tra luce e buio.
ileana barigelletti
{K:3571} 5/11/2003
Ottimo lavoro! per i miei gusti trovo troppo scuri i lineamenti delle suore e quindi noto che mancano i dettagli anche degli abiti, ma credo che tu abbia voluto proprio questo cercando invece di illluminare la croce come unico particolare. Sei troppo fortunato, però, ad avere a disposizione questi magnifici pavimenti stradali...... ;-))))
Carlos Carreto
{K:716} 5/11/2003
very nice!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 5/11/2003
è un ottimo insieme di materiali.. pochi elementi essenziali le suore uguali, i binari uguali e la pavimentazione uguale.. mi piace bella foto ciao
Mário Sousa
{K:16985} 5/11/2003
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 5/11/2003
This deserve a 7/7 Paolo.
Felipe Rodríguez
{K:9200} 5/11/2003
j r
{K:4850} 5/11/2003
Excellent photo, congrats.
marco biancardi
{K:10582} 5/11/2003
Paolo, ancora il pavé di Milano, per uno splendido scatto, veramente bella, luce, inquadratura, angolo di ripresa, dettaglio, contrasto. complimentissimi- ciao - marco
judy ben joud
{K:4160} 5/11/2003
well done
Robert Orlando
{K:1103} 5/11/2003
Interesting image i would liked to have seen this with more light on the nun's the shadows are well placed pulling right to the subject.
Paolo Dell'Aquila
{K:5046} 5/11/2003
Very very nice!
Nando Mondino
{K:14261} 5/11/2003
Ottimo questo controluce delle due suorine!