Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 7/31/2007
No I've never actually met him although I have noticed his book in all the book shops-I'll give the first chapter a read when I'm next in Malaga....in a week or so when I'm doing some street photography during the august fair.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 7/30/2007
Ever run into that guy Tony? (Classic naieve question of a foreigner geographically ignorant) but he may have travelled in similar circles being an ex-muso.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 7/30/2007
I'll never forget the descicrption of the old, seemingly informal but constantly maintained drainage systems of andalusia in "driving over lemons" by Chris Stewart. Piles of rock and furrows of clay importantly maintained in the same way year by year.
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 7/30/2007
Unfortunately, this delicate balance is,in many inland areas,NOT being taken into account. The tempreture here today,at just after midday, was 41centigrade!Quite normal for the time of year but really unpleasant- it was up to 48 in Seville yesterday in the shade!!
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 7/30/2007
Excellent. I imagine human beings have used the resources of Andalucia in the same manner for aeons. a very delicate balance.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 7/22/2007
Amazing capture, Tony. Hope your drought ends soon.
Meg Metcalfe
{K:6114} 7/20/2007
Yes it's a great concern there I know Tony. As they continue to create more and more golf courses the situation can only get worse..... There just doesn't seem to be any effort going into educating the tourists to save water, and most of them are not aware there is a shortage!
I shall of course do my very best to conserve that most precious of resources when we relocate there in about a months time.
txules .
{K:62768} 7/20/2007
voy a mirar su página web con calma, gracias por la información....txules
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 7/20/2007
Gracias por tu comentario Txules.Si la tema te interesa hay un libro-con unas cuantas fotos mias(!)-recien publicado ,titulado;Paisajes Amenazados de Malaga,paisajes,cultura,amenazas,agresiones y SUS RESPONSABLES. El libro es editado por Federacion Provincial de Ecologistas en Accion Malaga.Es una critica bastante dura y vale la pena leerlo....es muy interesante. Tony.
txules .
{K:62768} 7/20/2007
si tienes toda la razón con lo de los campos de golf, son una plaga. La foto es tremenda y da un poco de miedo, fantástica imagen Tony txules