Bahadir k
{K:8825} 2/15/2008
good perspective infront of a poetic sky!
Zoran Perić
{K:-284} 1/5/2008
Mozda malo vise svetla i kontrasta...Svejedno,upecatljiva fotografija.
marijana rasonja
{K:1028} 7/16/2007
thank you so much
marijana rasonja
{K:1028} 7/16/2007
thank you so much...i'm glad :)
Ahmed Ismail
{K:19853} 7/16/2007
Beautiful....very nice capture! Regards, Ahmed
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 7/15/2007
Beautiful Marijana!! An emotive dramatic atmosphere plaied with shades and lights. In my fav.. Take care.
marijana rasonja
{K:1028} 7/15/2007
thank you :)
marijana rasonja
{K:1028} 7/15/2007
thank you
Dan Gheban
{K:3787} 7/15/2007
Excellent image!
Jeff Sanders
{K:1617} 7/15/2007
a little bounce of light back up at the flower... great shot otherwise